467. Super Popular Korean Slang Words for Real Life! Learn Korean LIVE @1pm是【油管搬运】800+集韩语学习教程 Learn Korean with KoreanClass101.com的第464集视频,该合集共计851集,视频收藏或关注UP主,及时了解更多相关视频内容。
母胎SOLO [mǔ tāi SOLO]: Womb+Solo [performance]. (Of a person) single since birth. Derived from the Korean phrase “모태솔로”, this Internet slang term pokes fun at people who have never been in a relationship so that their lives are like solo performances. It is the latest ...
People sometimes say“wow, that news spread fast”or“his affair spread like wildfire”– that’s exactly the content we use for不胫而走. Very useful and easy to remember! EXAMPLE 有关蔚来是特斯拉车主维权事件“幕后推手”的“阴谋论”不胫而走 Conspiracy theories about Nio being behind the Tesl...
This Korean slang refers to the flaky actions people take in romantic relationships, “playing games” with each other where one minute they’re hot and the next they’re cold. You can also use this as a verb in the form 밀당하다 (mildanghada). ...
บทความที่เกี่ยวข้อง Chinese Vocabulary 25+ Essential Chinese Internet Slang Terms on Xiaohongshu Chinese Vocabulary Understanding 应该,必须,一定: Three Ways to Express “Should” and “Must” in Chinese ...
The Japanese are extraordinarily polite and soft-spoken people who are always indirect and evasive in their dealings with each other. Right? Well, not really. They can be just as explicit, vicious, vile and downright vulgar as anyone else when they want to be.This little gem of a book tea...
The video went viral and Chinese netizens created some very funny animated emojis, some people also switch the 难 for “南” (meaning “south”) to make it even more amusing (as in things are going south).你行你上 (nǐ xíng nǐ shàng)This slang literally means “you can you up”. ...
Be careful not to confuse ㄱㄱ with ㅈㅈ. The latter stands for “GG” or “good game,” which people say to each other once a game is finished. 11. ㅊㅋ (Congrats) Based on축하해요,this is acommon Korean phraseexpressing congratulations, with축하being a shorter and...
One group of people widely looked down upon aresasaengs(사생팬) orsasaeng fans. This slang derives from a Korean word (safor “private” andsaengfor “life”) that refers to an obsessive fan who stalks or otherwise violates the privacy of a Korean idol.Sasaengstend to own fan pages,...
For example: In every country, it's taboo to marry your own brother or sister. It's something that is just never acceptable to most people. The word "gonna" isslang. It's OK to say it in informal English, but you should write "going to". ...