If it does not, particularly if it is missing the "slackware-iso/" directory and contents, and you did not intentionally exclude the ISO images to conserve space/bandwidth, then please contact me for details on how to resolve this. I have already mailed the US mirror admins about this, s...
mirrors.slackware.com mirrors.slackware.com Now Serving: HTTPS Byrworkmanon 2017-06-16 Themirrors.slackware.comsite is now available via https only. Note that there is *not* any guarantee that you will be redirected to an https mirror. However, the package md5 sums and gpg signatures are (...
SOURCE=http://linuxpackages.cgucccc.org/Slackware-10.2/ 感謝「自由軟體技術交流網」 ols3 站長幫忙 mi 了完整的 iso: 目前這是台灣唯一的完整 mirror 站。
osuosl.org: ftp://slackware.osuosl.org/pub/slackware/slackware-13.1/ ftp://ftp.slackware.com/pub/slackware/slackware-13.1/ If the sites are busy, see the list of official mirror sites here: http://slackware.com/getslack/ We will be setting up BitTorrent downloads for the official ISO ...
系统镜像:slackware64-current-install-dvd.iso 官方手册:http://docs.slackware.com/slackware:install 1、分区方案(使用cfdisk,或gdisk) 在http://www.onesl.com/web/ylsh/2015110101.html文章中,建议使用gdisk,但是官方手册中并未提到。cfdisk也可以用。
As always, ISO images are available throughBitTorrentbut you can also download them from anyofficial Slackware Mirroror fromthese other mirror sites. Thanks to everyone who helped to make this new release of Slackware possible, the mirror administrators, and to a fine group of friends on irc.oft...
Security Advisories FAQ Book General Info Get Slack Install Help Configuration Packages ChangeLogs Propaganda Ports Other Sites Support Contact Mailing Lists About Download the complete Slackware distribution from one of ourmirrors. If you'd like to provide a mirror, please see themirroring guidelines....
slackware-iso/04-Feb-2022 02:21- slackware-pre-1.0-beta/18-Apr-1993 06:03- slackware/29-Jan-2025 21:31- slackware64-13.0/19-Jun-2018 22:53- slackware64-13.1/19-Jun-2018 22:55- slackware64-13.37/19-Jun-2018 22:56- slackware64-14.0/03-Jan-2024 20:29- ...
osuosl.org: ftp://slackware.osuosl.org/pub/slackware/slackware-13.0/ ftp://ftp.slackware.com/pub/slackware/slackware-13.0/ If the sites are busy, see the list of official mirror sites here: http://slackware.com/getslack/ We will be setting up BitTorrent downloads for the official ISO ...
here: http://slackware.com/getslack/ Thanks to the generosity of the Open Source Lab at Oregon State University we also have a new high-speed primary mirror site: ftp://slackware.osuosl.org/pub/slackware/slackware-10.2/ We will be setting up BitTorrent downloads for the official ISO images...