Emoji codes used by GitHub, Basecamp, Slack and other services. Searchable and with emoji meanings!
So you have your slackline, now what? Whether you’re an old school slacker or fresh to the slacklining world, training is good for the soul. There’s so much more than just getting on a slackline and walking back and forth. There’s style, technique, and of course lots of fun playi...
Slack’s/remindfunctionis a great way to post personal or channel alerts at specific times. Small teams can use this to remind the main channel of weekly meetings or a daily standup to share short-term goals. For a lab’s use, you can do things like set a timer in a project channel...
the way. To get started contributing, check our [first timer issues](https://github.com/paradedb/paradedb/labels/good%20first%20issue) or message us in the [ParadeDB Community Slack](https://join.slack.com/t/paradedbcommunity/shared_invite/zt-217mordsh-ielS6BiZf7VW3rqKBFgAlQ). Once ...
That is too bad. I'm using Slack on my Apple Watch everyday. I've often getting pulled into meetings the last minute, and Slack on the Apple watch really helps people tracking me down. Oh well. cornchipsaid: Watch is a fantastic little piece of tech and will obviously on...
For a lab’s use, you can do things like set a timer in a project channel when you need to remove samples from a test, letting others see when you’re done using shared equipment. You can also use personal reminders to remind yourself to do things in the future like/remind me to au...
For a lab’s use, you can do things like set a timer in a project channel when you need to remove samples from a test, letting others see when you’re done using shared equipment. You can also use personal reminders to remind yourself to do things in the future like/remind me to au...
For a lab’s use, you can do things like set a timer in a project channel when you need to remove samples from a test, letting others see when you’re done using shared equipment. You can also use personal reminders to remind yourself to do things in the future like /remind me to ...