解析 据地质学家估计,大板块每年可以移动1-6厘米距离.这个速度虽然很小,但经过亿万年后,地球的海陆面貌就会发生巨大的变化:当两个板块逐渐分离时,在分离处即可出现新的凹地和海洋;大西洋和东非大裂谷 就是在两块大板块发生分离时形成的.当两个大板块碰撞挤压时,就可出现高山、高原,喜马拉雅山就是三千多万年前由...
Plate Driving Forces: The forces that drive the motions of tectonic plates at the surface. Slab Pull: The force exerted by the weight of the subducted slab on the plate it is attached to. Ridge Push:...Lithgow-Bertelloni, Carolina
The motion of tectonic plates at the Earth’s surface is the most direct observation of large-scale mantle flow reflecting the time-dependent balance of driving and resisting forces acting on the base of the plates and through slab-pull and ridge push (Forsyth and Uyeda, 1975, Lithgow-Bertello...
This apparent “slab pull” is accompanied with a rotation of the main compressive stress. Such dehydration-induced perturbation of the stress field could favour strain localization. Repeating rotations, e.g., back to a compressional setting at 5 GPa, would generate substantial weakening via fault ...
Slab Pull: The force exerted by the weight of the subducted slab on the plate it is attached to. Ridge Push:...Carolina Lithgow-BertelloniLithgow-Bertelloni, C., 2014. Driving forces: slab pull, ridge push. In: Encyclopedia of Marine Geosciences....
Plate Driving Forces: The forces that drive the motions of tectonic plates at the surface. Slab Pull: The force exerted by the weight of the subducted slab on the plate it is attached to. Ridge Push:...Lithgow-Bertelloni, Carolina