Sub-grade: the material at formation level after excavating or infilling; 2. Sub-base: selected imported granular material to form a stable level surface on which to construct the slab. Where lean-mix concrete is not used the surface is normally blinded with sharp sand; 3. Slip membrane: se...
In flat slab structural arrangement, the slab is directly supported on the column, and the load is transferred directly to the column and then to the foundation. The objective of the present study covers behavioral study of multi-story buildings having different slab structure. The amount of ...
Threaded bars (8.8 steel grade) with 10 mm diameter were used, with rigid circular washers with 40 mm external diameter and 10 mm thickness. Nuts on both sides enabled to pre-load each bolt, ensuring the efficiency of the fastening. Fig. 21a and Fig. 21b show the strengthening of the ...
Each slab had 15 ASTM A416-90a 270 grade (diameter of 0.6 inch) steel strands (Figure 1), and the hollow slab was based on no. 40 gravel concrete. Figure 1 Open in figure viewerPowerPoint Wide prefabricated concrete hollow slab midspan section (cm). The dimensions of the shallow ...
Combined with relevant mechanical theoretical calculations, track defect can be analysed qualitatively and quantitatively. However, these efforts mainly focus on track slab inter-layer defects, rather than slab surface cracks which is a critical problem for LCPSTs. Current research on slab crack is ...
The specimen number is represented as follows: the digit following the letter “C” indicates the punch–span ratio, the middle digit signifies the concrete strength grade, and the final digit represents different reinforcement ratios. Table 1. Detailed design parameters of the specimens. These ...
When the grouting environment remains unchanged, the grouting duration can be estimated based on the grouting quantity. In this study, through calculations, as depicted in Figure 13a, it was observed that the relationship between tg and m can be expressed by the following equation: 𝑡𝑔=𝑎...
Zhou investigated the reason and control method for the noise suddenly increasing in the vehicle when the train is running on the SSFST; the results provided a reference for the design of SSFSTs in terms of noise control [36]. In summary, in order to reduce the impact of vibration, the ...