作为2019年面世的SACD/CD、流媒体播放机SL-G700之“继任者”,新款SL-G700M2升级了电源、DAC并增加了USB-B型端口,但在外观上尽量保持了延续性。由于内置Chromecast功能并支持MQA解码,以及用于连接网络服务器或PC的USB-B输入端口和“纯光盘播放/ Pure Disc Playback”模式,SL-G700M2将比旧款机型可以提供更多的流...
整了个cd机,松下s..说得过去的大件和究极稀烂的周边:转盘:拯救者r7000p 2020usb线:力士jpu150界面:叶音cmd17连接线:秋叶原光纤(tb几十块包邮)解码:松下sl-g700解码电源线:力士jpa150
已售少于100 ¥19990点击查看更多 配送: 日本至 阳泉城区 快递: 免运费现货,付款后48小时内发货 保障: 不支持7天无理由退货 参数: 颜色分类:黑色包邮包税 查看更多 参数信息 品牌 Panasonic/松下 型号 SL-G700M2 颜色分类 银色包邮包税,黑色包邮包税
Grand Class SL-G700 Series Choose the one that’s right for you 1 - 3of3Products Grand Class Audio AmplifierSU-GX70 Silver Black Grand Class Audio PlayerSL-G700M2 Silver Black Stereo Integrated AmplifierSU-G700M2
这台机器是SACD+数播+网播+解码的超级一体机 而且就如此高的集成性来讲,还能有非常高水准的声音和不到两万的价格水平实属有点恐怖 双电源配置模拟和数字部分开独立供电,两片AKM 4497SE,全分立运放,AA类放大模式 CD转盘部分采用了和16w的顶级品牌playback的旗舰CD机MPS8完全相同的配置 ...
The SL-G700M2 supports Google Cast™, which enables a wide range of music streaming services from Google Chromecast-enabled apps, as well as AirPlay 2. Wi-Fi® and Bluetooth® wireless connections are also supported.* *A Google Voice-activated Speaker must be included in the same network...
Technics SL-G700 at Peter Tyson for £2,599 The Technics SL-G700 is a hefty unit, weighing in at over 12kg. That substance is backed-up with rigid, nicely damped casework and a standard of finish few rivals can better. The controls work with well-oiled precision, though the bulk of ...
The SL-G700M2’s connectivity is good. There is now a USB Type B on the back panel to allow easy connection to a computer, alongside the carry-over front and back panel USB Type A ports. Coax and optical are, as before, on the menu, but analogue inputs still aren’t; this is a...