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I want to use the ML110GE as a workstation, and install WinXP pro.The Ethernet driver for NC105i (package cp008892.exe) refuses to install because the OS is not Win 2003 server.Adding another NIC is the only chance? Solved! Go to Solution. 0 Kudos 6 REPLIES PureHeart...
1、在铺木地板、石材要与其瓷砖的地面衔接的时候,需要对其石材/瓷砖平缝倒角2mm,木地板需低于石材/瓷砖地面2mm; 2、当木地板与石材/瓷砖地面留置伸缩缝时,需在接缝设置收口条。 窗台石收口 地漏做法 1、卫生间和阳台的水沟宜与其地漏的基座要同样宽!水沟找坡侧面不得出露铺贴砂浆层; 2、地漏的安装可以采用思辨倒...
A carrier for a sensor device and at least one battle head is alignable relatively to a mobile platform. The remotely controlled platform has an alignable carrier for a picture taking device, the sensor device, and at least one flying body start unit, and is connected with an offset guide ...
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