Incline your head back when you take off as if you are looking skyward . 第二步:接近跳点的时候准备将雪板交叉。将头部像后倾,就好像你在仰望天空一样。 2. He rose from the swing, leaned against the post, and cast his eyes skyward as if he would find the answer ...
skyward是什么意思、skyward怎么读 读音:英[] 美[] skyward 基本解释 adv. 向着天空, 向上 a. 向着天空的, 向上的 词组短语 1、skywardsword 天空剑 2、skywardadventure 高空冒险 3、the legend of zeldaskyward塞尔达的传说 4、pikeskyward向天长矛
Adj.1.skyward- directed toward heaven or the sky; "the soul in its heavenward flight" heavenward up- being or moving higher in position or greater in some value; being above a former position or level; "the anchor is up"; "the sun is up"; "he lay face up"; "he is up by a pa...
Rys - Skyward
skyward adverb sky·wardˈskī-wərd 1 :toward the sky gazeskyward 2 :to a higher level More from Merriam-Webster onskyward Thesaurus:All synonyms and antonyms forskyward Nglish:Translation ofskywardfor Spanish Speakers Last Updated: ...
时间来到2024年4月,HOKA推出了一款定位于顶级缓震的现象级跑鞋——SKYWARD X,不出所料,在SKYWARD X超厚的中底内部,也内置了一块碳板。其实,在跑者的传统印象中,有了碳板的加持就代表着澎湃竞速感,然而,SKYWARD X绝非竞速跑鞋,而是一双顶级缓震跑鞋,那么这种顶级缓震与碳板的组合是否协调,到底能带来什么...
Aklo - Skyward
The elevator surged smoothly skyward. 电梯迅速而平稳地上升。 As expected, the federal budget deficit is climbing skyward. 如预料的,联邦预算赤字迅速攀升。 权威例句 Intimidation by Rhetoric Skyward Skyward : Application of vertical skyward wide-angle photography and airborne video data for phenological st...