Please answer these questions before submitting your issue. Question My ES server disk is full, all indexes become red. When I delete all the indexes and restart the application, skywalking cannot display the topology map. When I look at...
Exception while fetching data (/fetchEvents) : Unterminated string at line 1 column 2001 path $. skywalking:9.2.0 agent:8.12.0 elasticsearch:7.15.0 2022-09-06 14:59:08,326 - notprivacysafe.graphql.execution.SimpleDataFetcherExceptionHandler - 27 [a...
graphql.execution.SimpleDataFetcherExceptionHandler -1061995 [qtp1609086753-159] WARN [] - Exception while fetching data (/latencyS) : IDs can't be null java.lang.RuntimeException: IDs can't be null 1. A2: 此问题为ui端的问题,无需解决,对SkyWalking后端无影响 skywalking agent安装 每一个 jar...
graphql.execution.SimpleDataFetcherExceptionHandler -1061995 [qtp1609086753-159] WARN [] - Exception while fetching data (/latencyS) : IDs can't be null java.lang.RuntimeException: IDs can't be null A1: 此问题为ui端的问题,无需解决,对SkyWalking后端无影响 包括其它IDs can’t be null的问题,...
graphql.execution.SimpleDataFetcherExceptionHandler -1061995 [qtp1609086753-159] WARN [] - Exception while fetching data (/latencyS) : IDs can't be null java.lang.RuntimeException: IDs can't be null A1: 此问题为ui端的问题,无需解决,对SkyWalking后端无影响 ...
graphql.execution.SimpleDataFetcherExceptionHandler -1061995[qtp1609086753-159] WARN [] - Exceptionwhilefetching data (/latencyS) : IDs can'tbenulljava.lang.RuntimeException: IDs can'tbenull A2: 此问题为ui端的问题,无需解决,对SkyWalking后端无影响 ...
2020-06-1504:46:12,237-graphql.execution.SimpleDataFetcherExceptionHandler-154193437[qtp1107275448-39]WARN[]-Exceptionwhilefetchingdata(/topo):Service id is empty org.apache.skywalking.oap.server.core.UnexpectedException:Service id is empty at
wu-sheng closed issue #11682: [Bug] Exception while fetching data (/queryLogs) : Cannot invoke "org.apache.skywalking.oap.server.core.query.input.Duration.getStartTimeBucket()" because "duration" is null URL: -- This is an automated message...
2020-06-1504:46:12,237-graphql.execution.SimpleDataFetcherExceptionHandler-154193437[qtp1107275448-39]WARN[]-Exceptionwhilefetchingdata(/topo):Service id is empty org.apache.skywalking.oap.server.core.UnexpectedException:Service id is empty at
Please answer these questions before submitting your issue. Why do you submit this issue? Question or discussion Bug Requirement Feature or performance improvement Question What do you want to know? Bug Which version of SkyWalking, OS an...