Skywalker X8 Delight without bound career without boundary! Moving with wind! Go sailing with heart! SERIES Ⅰ SERIES Ⅰ Overlook the land, seen the unseen! SERIES Ⅱ SERIES Ⅱ A key to open your childlike innocence! X SERIES X SERIES ...
Files (4) skywalker X8 UAV R/C / 2.jpg jpg November 29th, 2016 无标题222.dxf dxf November 29th, 2016 1.jpg jpg November 29th, 2016 X8.igs igs November 29th, 2016 Comments (4) Please log in to add comments Michele Di Lillo Hi Kostiantyn , can you save an iges of ...
爱给网提供海量的爱给模型库资源素材免费下载, 本次作品为rhino,stl 格式的天行者X8 无人机框架_ 阿维亚俄罗斯方块_(Skywalker X8 UAV frame _ AviaTetris _), 本站编号101601413, 该爱给模型库素材大小为9m, 更多精彩爱给模型库素材,尽在爱给网。 浏览本次作品的您可能还对 3D模型 感兴趣。 找到...
Skywalker X8 悦无界,业无疆! 随风而动!随心远航! SKYWALKER系列Ⅰ SKYWALKER系列Ⅰ 俯视大地,见所未见! SKYWALKER系列Ⅱ SKYWALKER系列Ⅱ 它是一把钥匙,开启你的童心! X 系列 X 系列 “如鱼得水”在云海中!翱游! 专业机型 专业机型 世间任意角度,皆唯“我”独有!
Details Uploaded: July 31st, 2017 Software: SOLIDWORKS, Rendering, STEP / IGES Categories: Aerospace, Aviation, Tech Tags: chm, flyingwing, drone, skywalker, x8, uav 194 Likes View all More by Kavian Niazi View all Advertisement Files (5) X8 Skywalker UAV / 1.SLDPRT sldprt ...
Skywalker X8 New Upgraded 2122mm RC Plane KIT Empty Frame FPV Flying Fixed Wing 2 Meters X-8 EPO Skywalker RC Airplane Descriptions: - This is the X-8 FPV wing from Skywalker Technolog,. The BIG FPV wing!The X-8 has been specifically designed for FPV and UAV, customised for stabiliser...
3-5kg parachute cabin suit for Skywalker X5 Skywalker 1900 X-Uav Talon 5-8kg parachute cabin size:13X9X8cm 3-5kg parachute cabin size:10.5x8X6cm Sold by Shop911181 Store(Trader) Ship to Canada AliExpress commitment Shipping: US $5.34 ...
Skywalker Parachute Landing Umbrella 5-8kg for Skywalker X8 X7 or 3-5kg for Skywalker X5 X5 ProUSD 73.06-141.32/piece New Fixed Airplane Skywalker 1830 1830mm FPV Plane Latest Version UAV Remote Control Electric Glider RC Model EPO Airplane KitsUSD 113.03/piece ...
Skywalker X8 white Version Skywalker FPV Flying Wing 2122mm RC Plane Empty frame 2 Meters x-8 EPO RC Toy We only sell the original Product ! NOT knock-off one ! X8 is a milestone of Skywalker series. This flying wing is so huge and could carry massive weight on it, the making is...