Our kites revolutionize wind power. We believe they are the key to unlock 100% renewables around the clock for a more sustainable future.
If you have any questions pertaining to data protection, please send us an e-mail or contact the person responsible for data protection in our organization: SkySails Power GmbH Wendenstraße 375 D-20537 Hamburg Phone: +49 40 – 702 99 0...
SkySails Power 开发了一种新的风力涡轮机,可以像风筝一样捕捉高空风(Figure 3)。 Figure 3.一种以风筝方式发电的新型风力涡轮机 SkySails Power 开发了一种新的风力涡轮机,可以像风筝一样捕捉高空风 不断在空中飞行的风筝不断地捕捉强风。 当你真正举起风筝时,握着风筝线...
SkySails Power’s Airborne Wind Energy Systems address all these challenges successfully through the use of power kites. The Kite Power Cycle Driven by the wind, the automatically controlled power kite rises in figures of eight. As it gains altitude, it unwinds a tether from a winch on the...
and German SkySails Power GmbH have agreed on the installation of an airborne wind energy system. Starting 2021, a large kite will lift off at the eastern coast of the island to generate electricity for the CEB grid from high-altitude winds. The project is supported by the National scheme ...
抬头俯瞰毛里求斯的白色沙滩,您可能会看到巨大的风帆。它很像滑翔伞或风筝冲浪者使用的那种,但有三居室公寓那么大,在头顶上环绕着八字形。帆不是一个旅游景点——它为非洲东海岸这个岛国的电网发电。这个巨大的机翼由德国 SkySails Power 公司于 2021 年 12 月推出,是世界上第一个完全自主的商业“机载风能”...
RWE Renewables GmbH and SkySails Power GmbH have high-flying ambitions. They are planning to fly a 120-sqm kite to a height of up to 400 metres above ground to utilise high-altitude winds for generating electricity. The two companies have now entered a collaborati...
Contact Us We are ready to lead you into the future of Wind Power Get in touch You did not find the answer to your question on our website? You want to talk to our sales team, purchasing department, or public relations? Then please get in touch! Select topic* Company * First ...
The SkySails propulsion system for yachts is therefore currently not marketed anymore. Harness the power of wind to reduce fuel costs Wind is the cheapest, most powerful, and greenest source of energy on the high seas, and the best solution to turn shipping more sustainable. The wind-assisted...
Wind is the cheapest, most powerful, and greenest source of energy on the high seas, and the best solution to turn shipping more sustainable. The wind-assisted ship propulsion system from SkySails uses the power of wind to tow ships with largekites. SkySails employed kites of up to 400 m...