Skyrim The Elder Scrolls Wiki Trainers (Skyrim) Marriage (Skyrim) Enchanting (Skyrim) Top Pages this Week Daedric Relic (quest) 1 Coral Dragon Claw 2 Darkness Returns (quest) 3 Ivory Dragon Claw 4 Folgunthur 5 See how you can help contribute to Skyrim Wiki! Remember to maintain a standard...
Siehe auch: Lydia Lydia ist eine Nord in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Sie befindet sich in Drachenfeste bzw. im Brisenheim, wenn man das Haus gekauft hat. Sie ist ein Huscarl, wenn man Thane von Weißlauf wird. Sobald man ein Haus besitzt und Thane gew
This article contains video content produced by Fandom with some or no input from editors of The Elder Scrolls Wiki, and may not properly represent the scope of the written article below. Statements and footage within the video may be inaccurate, outdated, incomplete, or otherwise misleading to ...
Für andere Verwendungen siehe Stahlschwert. Das Stahlschwert ist ein einhändiges Schwert in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Schmiede oder Händler bieten es zum Verkauf an. getragen von unterschiedlichen, humanoiden Gegnern. in Truhen oder ähnliche
Wiki The Elder Scrolls Personnages (Skyrim)Modifier Voir aussi: Personnages (Dragonborn) et Personnages (Dawnguard) Un Personnage Non-Joueur ou PNJ est un terme générique désignant tous les personnages autre que l'Enfant de Dragon qui peuvent être rencontrés en Bordeciel. Les PNJs sont ...
For other uses, see Scaled Armor. Scaled Armor is a set of light armor in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim that consists of four pieces. Scaled Armor is relatively common to find, residing in leveled containers across Skyrim. Each piece can be crafted using S
For other uses, see Frenzy. Frenzy is an Adept-level Illusion spell in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Frenzy increases multiple targets' inclination to attack, in a relatively small area. Effectively, it has the opposite effect of Calm. The magnitude is th
1 Console Commands (Skyrim) 2 Trainers (Skyrim) 3 Followers (Skyrim) 4 Stones of Barenziah 5 Skeletons' low level make them ideal for use in raising theRestorationskill through use ofTurn Lesser Undead. Its low magicka cost is ideal for this purpose. ...
For other uses, see Healing Hands. Healing Hands is an Apprentice level Restoration spell in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Healing Hands heals the target 10 points per second. It will not heal undead, atronachs, or Dwemer animunculi. Regeneration increase
DLC potions(2 C) Q DLC quests(2 C) S DLC scrolls(2 C) DLC shouts(2 C) DLC spells(2 C) W DLC weapons(3 C) Pages in category "DLC" The following 4 pages are in this category, out of 4 total. DLC ...