Trainers (Skyrim) Marriage (Skyrim) Enchanting (Skyrim) Top Pages this Week Daedric Relic (quest) 1 Coral Dragon Claw 2 Darkness Returns (quest) 3 Ivory Dragon Claw 4 Folgunthur 5 See how you can help contribute to Skyrim Wiki! Remember to maintain a standard for grammar and punctuation in...
Aela Daedric Princes Mikael Sigrid Erandur Kodlak Whitemane Undead Services Blacksmiths Carriage Drivers Followers Housecarls Innkeepers Marriage Candidates Merchants Spell Vendors Trainers Cities Whiterun Windhelm Markarth Riften Solitude Dawnstar Riverwood ...
per level than other followers with a higher level cap, such as Aela, or even followers with no level cap, such as J'zargo. As such, it is wise to have a similar follower with a lower level cap, such as Jenassa, up until they reach their level cap, then trade for a similar ...
Aela's Shield –part of The Companions quest "Take Up Arms." Aetherial Shield DG –Crafted in the Aetherium Forge during the quest "Lost to the Ages." Enemies struck by this shield become ethereal for 15 seconds, making them unable to attack or be attacked. Auriel's Shield DG –Located...
Wiki Game guides Tutorial Collections ToolsVortex Vortex help API documentation Install Vortexclose search Games Mods Collections image Images video_call Videos person Users close Close navigation menu Please log in or registerTo enjoy the benefits of Nexus Mods, please log in or register a new ...
↑Pocket Guide to the Empire, Third Edition: Skyrim ↑6.06.1Dialogue withBalgruuf the Greater ↑Dialogue withDanica Pure-Spring ↑Edorasin the film trilogyThe Lord of the Rings ↑
And thank you, for the glorious Aela! I've also added in your Elisif and I wanted to use your Serana as well, but in my world vampires are more...sophisticated rather than primal if they're descendants of noble I went with an old favorite (she might appear in my ...
Somefollowerscan also train you. (Faeldan, Aela,Farkas,Vilkas, etc. are good examples). The good thing about them is that you can get your invested money back by going through their inventory, which practically enabled you to get freetraining. ...
TCG 1.3b - Fix for Companions quest line, Aela and Farkas should have full functionality when u do the quest with TCG. TCG 1.3a - Fix for Benors criminal behavior.[size="8"]INSTALL NOTE: If you have been using previous version of TCG(v1.2) you have to: Disable the mod, make a ...
This Mod changes the appearances of Lydia, Jordis, Iona, Aela, Mjoll, Uthgerd, Ria, Frea, Rayya, Njada, Annekke, Adelaisa, Jenassa, Illia, Delphine, Ingjard, Aranea, Eola, Borgakh, Brelyna, Beleval an