The fifth installment in Bethesda's Elder Scrolls franchise is set in the eponymous province of Skyrim, where the ancient threat of dragons, led by the sinister Alduin, is rising again to threaten all mortal races. Only the player, as the prophesied hero
The worst part is that the main quest where I have to become part of the Thief guild. My character isn't a thief, but because I have to for the sake of saving the world, he'll get in the guild. I wish there was an option to tell "No thanks, I'm not a thief, however, how...
Version 6.3 works flawlessly and has the same functionality, so I highly recommend installing this version instead. Install 1 "FNIS Behavior V6_3" Install 2 "FNIS Behavior V6_3 Add-on 2.1" After installation, go to "(Skyrim game folder)\Data\tools\GenerateFNIS_for_Users\" make a short...
Gamers can head to Kolskeggr Mine outside Markarth, and follow the river south to an abandoned boat loaded with valuable loot. The deck of the boat is loaded with flawless gems. Also onboard is an apothecary's satchel full of alchemy ingredients, and a strong box with even more loot. T...
Ordinator overhauls the perk trees of Skyrim to increase the depth and fun of character building. It is highly compatible with other mods and uses lightweight and clean scripting.
Note: It is inadvisable to drop rings, as they can be very difficult to find if you don't know where they went or were moved by someone or something. Craftable The armorof each ring is 0. Crafting regular Silver or Gold rings produces two rings per Ingot, rather than one. ...
Q: Will you cover the normal / flawless gemstone items?A: I'm currently working on a replacer for the loose gems and a few other gemmed treasure items, they will be uploaded to a new modpage once they're done.Q: I don't like what you did with this or that, could you please.....
Despite how intimidating he looks, this fellow will die rather quickly, so not need to get attached. Head down the next hall for a fight with four more Stormcloaks. Two are below in the water, while the other two are above on the bridges. Split up from where ever Hadvar goes and ...
Where to buy The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim GameSpot may get a commission from retail offers.Storyline Walkthrough: How to complete the main quest and powers you'll gain Guild Walkthrough: A walkthrough for the Companions, Dark Brotherhood, and other guilds Daedric Walkthrough: Complete objectives...
You’ll eventually come upon a job where you have to steal a flawless ruby. Once you steal this, you can turn in the Daedra quest then complete the Fishing Job afterward. (4) Treasure Chests – Another random one, similar to mining. If you regularly play the game, you will easily ...