The switch bugs aside, is this game getting worse or why is it not worth 60/70€? You get houndreds of hours of great content so I think the price for this is much more worth it than every years fifa, cod or other low quality with high visual content stuff. I understand that some...
the nature of this game is to collect, but the more stuff you collect, the more lag there is. So one of the core aspects of the game just doesn't really work that great because of the system limitations. Once I played Skyrim VR, I realized just how good this game can actually be....
In VR, your movement is locked down, the screen gets a white tint and your weapons and shield get greyed out and disabled. It feels very unnatural and annoying. Sure, being immune to stagger makes the game slightly easier, but most people find playing it in VR harder so I'd say it ...
There's so many new ways to input a command in VR compared to a traditional controller since you yourself are in the game, which is how we got creative titles like Moss. It's why I always shake my head at the VR/AR naysayers in the forum saying the Apple Vision is gonna flop, ...
在3DM Mod站下载上古卷轴5:重置版最新的Skyrim释放VR Mod,由Laast制作。hippoywh在我们的平台上分享了这个免费且高质量的游戏模组,让玩家们可以享受到更加丰富的游戏体验。快来3DM Mod站下载并尝试吧! 详细介绍 Mod作者: Laast Mod版本: beta1 Mod大小: 1.22 MB 更新时间: 2018-10-24 20:58:01 发布时间: ...
(VR) Left-handed Settings (Disabled) Self-explanatory. Make sure to also enable "Left-Handed Mode" in the in-game settings. If you are left-handed, enable this in MO2. UI Customization The UI and UX of your game is a very personal and subjective choice, so we've included a few opt...
but also caused me some disorientation during combat when against multiple enemies. Just as annoying is that there’s no obvious way to step backwards with this method either, which is a bit of a pain in a sword fight, as you’re giving up a key way to dodge a blade. Worse still, ...
On a 6850K processor (6 cores, 3.6GHz) with a 1080Ti GPU, framerate in crowded areas is a little worse than with the CPU-only algorithm. Most of the time, both algorithms easily reach the framerate cap at 60fps. On the same hardware with only two cores enabled, the total collision...