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1.AmazingFollowerTweaks是A大包里的AFT管理随从软件,直接拿来用了2.ApachiiHair是发型贴图,从9DM上重找了个转的3.Better Skill and Quest Books Names SE是直接显示书本是否会加技能点,不需要点开就显示出来了4.Bijin AIO是在BOTOX底板上附加了BIJIN美化的文件5.Breezehome是重新找的微风阁大修,升级都需要钱,NPC...
Note: Before cleaning your save-game, you need to dismiss all followers, uninstall "Amazing Follower Tweaks", and make a new save. Then clean this save-game, start Skyrim and make yet a new save-game. Then re-install "Amazing Follower Tweaks", and everything will be back to normal, an...
5:Get rid of junk-driver-programs. Keep the drivers of course, but uninstall or disable all the useless services that constantly run in the background. Like scanner, printer or audio "service" programs that comes with the drivers. 6:Get rid of junk-apps. Weather apps, search bars and jo...
Amazing Follower Tweaks SE - Turkish Translation Original File Download: 6 items Last updated 14 May 20243:30PM Original upload 14 May 20243:30PM Created by PaieLCitra Uploaded by paielcitra Virus scan Safe to use Tags for this mod Translation...
Bugged selection when moving between a sub-dialogue to the main dialogue With Amazing Follower Tweaks (a mod that adds lots of options for followers): press E to select "Tweak Options" (1st menu item), press DOWN x 3, press E to select "Magic". Now press E to select "<BACK>". In...
- Amazing Follower Tweaks v1.66 Patch:--- AmazingFollowerTweaks.esp--- Relationship Dialogue Overhaul.esp--- RDO - AFT v1.66 Patch.esp <- BOTTOM OF LOAD ORDER--- (If using Vendor Sale Delay Gone)--- RDO - Vendor Sale Delay Gone - Patch.esp- Extensible...
Install 1 "AmazingFollowerTweaks_1_66" from Main-Files Install 2 "AFT_iNPCFix_1_00" from Optional-Files *This mod can cause issues, depending on usage. I still recommend it, just don't go crazy and add 25 followers at the same time. Better Stealing (LINK) Conjure Rideable Ethereal ...
Note: Before cleaning your save-game, you need to dismiss all followers, uninstall "Amazing Follower Tweaks", and make a new save. Then clean this save-game, start Skyrim and make yet a new save-game. Then re-install "Amazing Follower Tweaks", and everything will be back to normal, an...
Cerwiden is an intelligent, CONFIGURABLE and CUSTOM-VOICED mage companion who can buff and heal you and your other followers. She has her own personality, installment questline, and will \'SMARTcast\'