Obrigado! Bom, estou um pouco atarefado ultimamente mas posso atualizar em breve fazendo as alterações da sua sugestão! Bom jogo! xLIVESEYx member 0 kudos 26 January 2024, 1:53AM Parabens mano ficou muito bacana, sempre gostei do vokriinator mas a falta de tradução as ...
Oh god I found some anime *** mods. Kill me. rootsrat Mod Author 2.6k Posted February 8, 2014 Quote /snip ...I horribly despise roleplaying in any shape or form (that goes all the way back to Ultima Online which is where it started). And yet you play Skyrim, the ROLE PLA...
A complex voiced companion inspired by Companion Vilja for Oblivion. Atvir Dres is the last known son of House Dres, one of the former Great Houses of Morrowind. In many ways, he is the Dunmer nation
Final Fantasy inspired Ultima Blade http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/mods/30659 安装 === 只需订阅即可安装。 这些剑可以制作和锻造。 制作需要至少 20个钢锭。 锻造需要 1个钢锭。 或者你可以使用控制台。 输入 Help Ultima 并将它们添加到你的物品栏。 享受!玩得开心! 应该与所有天际版本和语言兼容。 鸣谢 ...