Innocence Lost Alternative Are you playing as a good hero in Skyrim and want to destroy the Dark Brotherhood, but you refuse to kill Grelod for Aventus, no matter how nasty she is? Well this mod allows you to report it to the guards for them to arrest her. There Is No Umbra - Chapt...
Umbra Type: Weapon How It Works: Adds a unique and enchanted two-handed sword to the game. It can be acquired through the new quest 'Vile Whispers', which is started by visiting a new location named Champion's Rest, North of Riften, and reading the Vigilant's Report near the dungeon'...
在OBLIVION空间里,Sul看见了一个黑色的人影..这个黑色人影名字是"UMBRA"(就和上古4里的U姐同名), 这个黑色人影看见他们后随即把他手中的剑,也就是UMBRA剑投到了OBLIVION之外.. 原来UMBRA被DAEDRA王子Clavicus Vile 困在了这个OBLIVION空间里, 他试图逃离却失败了..但是这个UMBRA特别强大, 他的实力甚至靠近于DAEDRA...
umbra island 3/10 Large bad very hard some neat ideas, but flawed puzzles, glitchy enemies, cheap traps. no followersthe bigger they are 3/10 small good medium (steam workshop) short quest with a boss fight, not voicedno mercy 3/10 small ok hard (steam workshop) basic level design,...
Fixed overlapping faces, added a missing stone pillar to properly complete the fence including new collision for it Fixed Havok collision on the back door which was allowing the player to walk through the mesh, and removed a bad node that was causing problems with snow shader mods in the exte...