Prefixing a command with player. will make your character the target of a command. For example player.RemoveAllItems would remove all of the items in your character's inventory, not your target's. See target help for more information. Skyrim Guides Console Help A must-read for new users!
Fallout New Vegas has a command console that can be accessed with the backquote/tilde key (the `/~ key), triggering a command input menu on your screen. You can input many commands to make in-game changes, such as increasing stats or changing faction reputations. ...
That can only be fixed when using the console command sexchange. Player's eyes turn black, all NPC's Eyes are missing: This happened only once for me, after starting the game and loading a save all characters eyes were missing and the ones of my own character were black (on every ...
Do not attempt to apply this mod to an old char - it is fixable with console commands, but will mess everything up at first. The older the char, the bigger the damage caused. Characters created with SkyRe can NOT roll back to vanilla, so backing up savegames is advised (as always)....
Drats, because thats the one thing I really wanted to toggle on and off, I had to resort to console command coc. The singpost method works well but if anything, I would add carriage too so that when you want to fast travel from your heartfire homes its easier. Muoviori premium 301 ...
2. Add standard painted shields to "shields" BAT file. NOTE: Painted shields ID codes are generated upon painting or looting them. Because of this, there is no singular reference ID, and so it cannot be obtained with a console command. ...
you set the weight of the NPC to be 75, and a neck seam appears in game - you must then use the console command setnpcweight to set the NPC weight to 75 to match it. This will make the seam go away.<br><br>If you notice a slight texture mismatch between the head and neck, ...
In Skyrim, one of the races is calledElder. It cannot be chosen during character creation. It is solely composed ofhumancharactersthat appear much older than most people.Arngeir,EsbernandSeptimus Signusare some of the people who are part of the Elder race.[2] ...
<SubSystem>Console</SubSystem> <GenerateDebugInformation>true</GenerateDebugInformation> </Link> <PostBuildEvent> <Command>copy "$(TargetPath)" "$(Skyrim64Path)\Data\SKSE\Plugins\$(TargetFileName)" /Y</Command> </PostBuildEvent> </ItemDefinitionGroup> <ItemDefinitionGroup Condition="'$(Configur... You can try here too. EDIT: Does anybody know of a mod that makes the water clean underneath like this pic, I took of when my game glitched. Wish it was like this al...