Revert Fortify Restoration Fix of the Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch 这是个mod,需要添加到老滚里,添加后就可以顺利卡三神bug。
目前玩的仅在原版基础上装了以下几个MOD 1、全部三个DLC 2、Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch 3、SkyUI_SE 4、hdtHighHeel 5、Heels Sound 6、XPMSE 7、FNIS 8、一个随从MOD 严格说只有6个MOD,其中4-8MOD纯属养眼的,毕竟随从的衣服和各种摇还是很好看的 分享242 上古卷轴吧 临风-沐雨 请求大佬帮看...
原址:说明:安装要求 天际特别版1.2.39....
天际重置版非官方补丁 Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch是一款专门为了处理天际重置版的各种bug而存在的。原版bug直到重置版仍然没有修复,这个补丁(缩写成为USSEP)将会为大家处理各种各样的奇葩bug,让大家愉快游戏。 安装说明 请注意!需要天际重置版1.或以上版本!不支持旧版老滚5!如果游戏本体使用的是网...
Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch 汉化 只看楼主收藏回复 hi347 正式会员 4 送TA礼物 1楼2017-02-26 16:40回复 孤弓弥日 人气楷模 13 2楼2017-02-26 16:56 回复 明点QQ 初级粉丝 1 888888888 4楼2019-10-02 20:11 回复 那嫣红的泪 初级粉丝 1 6666666666666666 5楼2019-12-22 ...
As of date you get Skyrim SpecialEdition Version 1.6.659.0.8_(64bit)_(59094) on GOG The 'real' Skyrim Special Edition was Patch 1.5 and earlier, so you get the Skyrim SE patched to Anniversary Edition no matter what - but without the Bethesda Net and Creation Club nonsense. The Annivers...
* When installing these updated faces do so in a way that will allow you to easily uninstall them later (like when you want to generate a new patch). The best way to do it is according to the instructions below. But even if you don't want to use a mod manager then at least have...
Simple Base Object Swapper (BOS) patch for Nature of the Wild Lands and Alternate Start - Live Another Life. No ESP. 1KB 0 -- Nirn Necessities - Balanced Carry Weight Armour Uploaded:03 Mar 2025 Last Update:03 Mar 2025 Author:Filael ...
This patch provides compatibility for the current Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch and integrates official updates made to Skyrim Special Edition up to the current version 1.5.97 into Skyrim VR. The hundreds of fixes and changes that were added to the SSE and USSEP since early 2018 can be...