通过MO2启动SKSE 第一步 首先,点击启动按钮左侧写着游戏启动文件的方框,打开其下拉菜单,并点击“<编辑...>”。 通过MO2启动SKSE 第二步 接着,更改可执行程序,将SKSE的skse64_loader.exe文件添加至新的可执行程序。 最后,设置该程序的目录为skse64_loader.exe文件的位置。 番外:Papyrus语言、Creation Kit等MOD...
上古卷轴5:重置版 Mod [The Elder Scrolls:Skyrim Special Edition] 《上古卷轴5:天际重制版(The Elder Scrolls:Skyrim Special Edition)》是由Bethesda制作发行的一款RPG游戏,是《上古卷轴5:天际》的高清重制版本。与原作相比,B社对游戏画面进行了更为细致的加工,包括水体效果,叶片效果甚至是天气效果在内的画面都获得...
skse64 plugin to fix various issues with the Skyrim Special Edition engine. 294KB 151.7k 18.4M Skyrim Flora Overhaul SE Models and Textures Uploaded:02 Nov 2016 Last Update:11 Nov 2024 Author:vurt Uploader:vurt * 18 new tree models (replacements of default trees)* ~65 new grasses and plan...
skse64 plugin to fix various issues with the Skyrim Special Edition engine. 12.2MB 170.2k 9.9M 9 BodySlide and Outfit Studio Utilities Uploaded: 01 Nov 2016 Last Update: 06 Oct 2024 Author: ousnius An easy to use tool for customizing bodies and outfits, creating new bodies and outfit...
I've been installing mods for a long time and I've come across several problems, but luckily I managed to solve practically all but one. Before my SKSE opened normally through MO2, but after some time I tried to run the game to see how t...
I am using Mod Organizer 2. I am running ENB .502, with the helper mod loaded. MO2 launches SKSE64 directly. I have tried experimental Proton, RADV and AMDVLK, rolling back to the 6.6 LTS kernel, disabling RE-BAR and all the other things linked to past occurrences of this thunk (#...
-The modlist is Anvil - Core, which includes ENB, SMP, and SKSE. In total I see over 300 ...
SKSE alone shouldn’t be a problem, but since it also hooks into the game similar to vorpX there’s always a chance that it breaks things with some mod. If you use mods and experience problems, remove all of them and add them back one by one to check which mod may cause an issue....
Hi,After long time I wanted back to Skyrim and mod to Special Edition.Usually I'm using Mod Organizer 2 for installing mods.Anyway..When I try to start even Skyrim or Skyrim Launcher with Mod Organizer 2, its giving Error and not launch game.I'm not usin
İ'm using Proton 9.0-2 an my game is highly modded. İ don't have fps problem in another games but this fix skyrim se for me. İf you have a lag problem when you start game from skse64 launcher install mod organizer like in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OEbZ...