close All games Skyrim Special Edition Mods Animation FSMP - Faster HDT-SMP Endorsements 48,928 Unique DLs 1,499,882 Total DLs 5,877,829 Total views 7,350,501 Version 2.5.1 Download: Manual Last updated 08 October 20249:44AM Original upload ...
HDT-SMP is an skse plugin allowing more advanced physics interactions to be applied to actors via configuration files. This plugin's original author, hydrogensaysHDT, has retired from Skyrim modding and released the source code for the plugin under a MIT license, allowing people to continue their...
skyrimspecialedition/mods/34705 Skyrim Priority SE AE - skse plugin - FSMP - Faster HDT-SMP - Skyrim Upscaler - DLSS FSR2 XeSS -
On the same hardware with only two cores enabled, the total collision time is around 2-3 times faster on GPU than CPU. Of course, this translates to a less impressive framerate difference, because collision checking is only one part of the HDT-SMP algorithm.Radeon...
《上古卷轴5:天际重制版(The Elder Scrolls:Skyrim Special Edition)》是由Bethesda制作发行的一款RPG游戏,是《上古卷轴5:天际》的高清重制版本。与原作相比,B社对游戏画面进行了更为细致的加工,包括水体效果,叶片效果甚至是天气效果在内的画面都获得了相当大的提升。
█ Faster HDT-SMP (LINK) Note: This mod has system specific option, so you have to research which ones will be optimal for your specific PC These options work on my system (Intel Core i7 - RTX 3090): *Do not select CUDA, even if you have an nVidia graphics card. It's currently ...
HDT-SMP Melony Armor Post-Installation and Optional Setup Game Folder Apostasy uses a Wabbajack feature called Stock Game to keep your Skyrim installation clean. All the files that you need to run the list are in a folder called Stock Game. You don’t need to copy anything at all. Antivir...
HDT-SMP: Special Edition SMP has moved to open source, you can find a fork here that intends to continue work on the plugin CBBE has support for SMP, the description also contains a link to the DLL files requiredhttps...
Skyrim Special Edition FSMP - Faster HDT-SMP Articles How to quickly modify configs.xml Endorsements 29 Total views 48.5k It is MANDATORY to adapt FSMP to your setup by configuring the configs.xml file. This file is in Data\SKSE\Plugins\hdtSkinnedMeshConfigs. ...
Skyrim Special Edition Mods Clothing and Accessories Kagura - hdt SMP (CBBE 3BA) (Japanese translation) Endorsements 22 Unique DLs 634 Total DLs 835 Total views 6,950 Version 1.0 Original File Download: Manual 1 items Last updated 16 June 202412:48PM ...