937,270 Total DLs 2,931,731 Total views 5,804,644 Version 1.2.0 Manual Last updated 03 July 20176:43PM Original upload 04 July 20144:03AM Created by isophe Uploaded by isophe Virus scan Safe to use About this mod Overhauls the appearance of all children. Also adds some outfits and ...
so if you need to edit my mod for some reason (remake facegedata for custom meshes the most common example) and you use a hair version that uses an esp as master (SG/KS hairdos) then you need to "esmify" the esp before opening my mod in the CK, more info here: Wrye Bash Esp...
A: - SG Hairstyles, KS Hairdos aare used for hairs. For other mods, check my profile, and onPatreon(free), to see if you find what you're looking for. Q: ENB? A: Enbs used are from Legendary edition. It's a mix of Bleak\Unbleak ENBs and Grimwinter ENB and Caffeine enb. ...
我记着其中我的几个设置是 9 头身 (就是头长跟身高的比为 1:9) ,身形 UNPB,脸型包子团,发型 SG hair pack,乳摇 TBBP ,赠送的高跟鞋要了,随从没要,非官方修正 USKP 勾选了,后面还有个天际传奇版,增加 了难度,但是战斗系统更丰富了,喜欢的可以勾选 9、 安装好 SKYUI 和中箭组后,下载 loot 工具,...
- new hair style1.0Add new follower in game. [size=+2]Please check more art work from my friend articocean.[/size][size=+2]Credits and Thanks [/size]CBBE by Calientesg female texture renewal by Hello SantaApachii skyhair by apachiienhanced character edit by ECE teamracemenu by Expired...
在3DM Mod站下载上古卷轴5:重置版最新的录音机-独立的全声音跟随者Skyrim SE匈牙利语 Mod,由Skyrimruci制作。kinchen在我们的平台上分享了这个免费且高质量的游戏模组,让玩家们可以享受到更加丰富的游戏体验。快来3DM Mod站下载并尝试吧! 详细介绍 Mod作者: Skyrimruci Mod版本: 3.0 Mod大小: 122.36KB 更新时间...
4、原1.4Q版皮肤的X毛(pubic hair)较为重口,全面替换为清淡取向的SG皮肤,有毛无疤,身体为4K...
(If two mods contain data in the same records), then the last mod (furthest down), overwrites whatever came before. Also, if a mod has references to another mod, this other mod HAS to be listed in the load-order before the mod with the dependency. If a mod is depending on ...