在3DM Mod站下载上古卷轴5:重置版最新的Serana Dialogue Edit-Skyrim特别版(Voces y Textos) Mod,由Carlos制作。s-born在我们的平台上分享了这个免费且高质量的游戏模组,让玩家们可以享受到更加丰富的游戏体验。快来3DM Mod站下载并尝试吧! 详细介绍 Mod作者: Carlos Mod版本: 1.02 Mod大小: 7.77MB 更新时间: ...
N网MOD用MO自己一个个下的,没有添加任何整合报错内容如下,警告内容是“hkx not Skyrim compatible”;报错来源三个:FNIS_FlowerGirlsSE_Behavior.hkx not Skyrim compatible<(Q1:N网这样的MOD应该是直接适配SE版呀,怎么会报错呢?)FNIS_SeranaHoodFixWithAnim_Behavior.hkx not Skyrim compatible<(Q2:是真没想到,对话...
介绍:【瑟拉娜暗夜公主美化SeranaDarkNightPrincess.1.4Q 2020版 CBBE UNP HDT】对于N网DleamsBlur的暗夜...
View more...Tag this mod About this mod An expansion of Serana's dialogue and NPC features to make her a more immersive follower. Serana Dialogue Add-On is highly acclaimed and also featured in Forbes magazine. Share Requirements Permissions and credits ...
leah-sama独立随从75361-UNPB-fine,Luna_v1.5_HDTHair_UNP-75832-1-5,Seductress Serana 3.0-52907-3-0,Tris Ranger CBBE -61889-2-0,YuiH StandAlone随从-Sha v1_1 (续订)UNPB-52853-1-1,Sunniva Archer-UNPB-参见1.1-62125-1-1,Toccata Follower-61140-1-1-1, Yzandra和Shaelyn-体重100-UNPB身体v...
Serana JOEL19LV 83 6 Night Frost maxkong9898 83 6 bacchus angryclair 62 3 Riverwood TOPMO3AH 53 5 Riverwood TOPMO3AH 63 9 --- deathcrush123 87 4 Mod News C3: Community Creations Con 19 Feb 2025 SlugGirl C3: Community Creations Con is back this Friday 21 to Saturday 22 of February!
Added Serana support with unique horse behavior (experimental). She will ride the Alsvid, the unique bone mount. Item recovery will not work on summoned horses anymore. Disabled follower auto draw weapon with player to prevent mod problems, instead of clearing teammate status. Teammate status chan...
Serana, Inigo, Rayya.这是一个正在构架的框架;目前薇莉亚可以评论Cerwiden 和 Serana,但他们无法回复...
ENB,再加上作者推荐的一些环境 MOD,就完了 10楼2023-02-07 13:35 收起回复 尘 光界逸神 12 人物美化Bijin、Kalilies NPCs、Pandorable's NPCs、Serana Re-Imagined、The Kids Are Alright Renewal应该没有覆盖到全部 NPC,但遇到的 NPC,没有出现瑟拉娜那样的名场面,小孩子也都很好看 11楼2023-02-07 13:...
About this mod Underworld: Dawnguard changes the in-game vampiric eyes to those from the Underworld vampire movies. You can choose between blue, bright blue and green eyes for vampires. Optional black Lycan eyes for Werewolves. Now includes red eyes as requested. (Requires Dawnguard DLC to funct...