This is an SSE and ESPFE version of Great War Commentaries:'An addon for the Second Great War mod created by Reath, one of my favorite mods out there. Gives vanilla NPCs dialogue reacting
Old Blood A post-Dawnguard expansion, adding new quests that flesh out the ancient war between night and day. Inspired by Vampire: The Masquerade. The Second Great WarIn the aftermath of the Civil War, the Aldmeri Dominion is stirring. There are rumors of Dominion soldiers close to the borde...
Helgen Reborn, then, is a lovely mod that gives the town a second life. Not only does it let you bring Helgen back, there are six custom dungeons, loads of new NPCs, quests, feuds, a town guard to train, new sets of armour to discover - there’s a lot going on. It’s much ...
RELATED LINKS: The biggest Skyrim mod just got the modern overhaul it deserves Huge new Skyrim mod plunges you into the middle of a vampire war All Skyrim console commands and cheats Latest Updates There's now a Witcher 3 mod that lets you ride around on a full-size dragon Skyrim-style,...
A great execution of this tried and true formula isAssassin’s Creed Valhalla, which casts you as a Viking raider searching for a new home in 9th-century Britain. However, in the backdrop, a war is brewing between the Templars and the Brotherhood that causes your character to take action....
This is an adventuring/relic hunting/questing mod list that will be a great choice if you just want to have a vivid, interesting walkthrough with huge amount of content but without altering gameplay itself. At the same time, it can be used on top of other, gameplay-changing modules. ...
do whatever you want on your own pace and difficulty setting, for example I turn the early game into hell by playing at the legendary difficulty from the very start, but you can start at 'easy' and you'll be a bully. Sorry I had to brag there for a second, it's a thing gamers ...
About this mod Ordinator overhauls the perk trees of Skyrim to increase the depth and fun of character building. It is highly compatible with other mods and uses lightweight and clean scripting. Share Requirements Permissions and credits
community has made this game a completely new game for me and i'm not talking about the Creation Club or in game mod tab. I don't think I have anything vanilla in my game that couldn't be changed already. But overall with or without mods it's still a great game to spend hours ...