3.2我们参考其他mod来写season配置文件(此处为季节白杨),拷贝这个season文件夹到你要添加季节的mod 季节白杨mod的文件结构 将seasons文件夹复制过来 修改文件名与本次修改的mod有关 3.2在mo2里用seedit打开该mod和前置模组资源mod (realisticOasks) 这些tree都是RiverwoodOaks添加的树木 3.3写season的ini文件: 首先随便...
* 18 new tree models (replacements of default trees)* ~65 new grasses and plants* The green forest appear more deep and old - trees are much taller and wider.* Snowy trees are much m
SkyrimSE/AE Version Click Here ABOUT THE MOD: SkyTEST stands for "The Elder Scrolls Tweaks" and as the name states is a series of Tweaks who´s purpose is to tweak and balance the game in different "Aspects", in this case "Animals & Predators". ...
norther grass se3D Plants & treesVivid weatherImaginatorNext, we delete the aspentrees of the 3D tree mod, because the vanilla trees look more realistic. For this we delete the Asen-related files from the meshes and textures foldersNow we start Skrim and load a game. ingame we can ...
ivy tree mod crashes when opening map skyrim VR Byjpohlman,May 13, 2024 0replies 151views jpohlman May 13, 2024 Skyrim VR - PLEASE HELP... After Editing a existing, working Mod the Mod not working anymore... ByPlaysianer,April 9, 2024 ...
Mara - My patches SE by Xtudo - LOTD Lux Mara - My patches SE by Xtudo - VIGILANT - Lux Mari's flora Market Stalls Animated Mehrunes Dagon's Shrine Unlocked - Pieces of the Past Quest Alternative Mehrunes Razor Perk Tree Memorable Bounties - Witcher Inspired Quests - COTN Winterhold ...
The ravens are also in my mods The Abandoned Farm SE and The World Tree of Skyrim SE Credits Tamira in Mr Siika Seagulls and Mr Siika Ravens and Vultures Free sounds universal-soundbank - Sound Fishing - xeno-canto 文件说明 Mod截图 ...
and more. Seek out the power of Monoliths that bestow great abilities, but at the cost of a terrible curse. Harness new powers as you absorb the essence of your fallen enemies. Forge them in a brand new endgame skill tree to evolve your character's strengths along new and unique paths...
Install 1: "Unofficial Skyrim Modder's Patch - USMP SE 2.6.4b" Install 2: "Unofficial Skyrim Modder's Patch - USMP SE" *Version 2.6.5 Skyrim Particle Patch for ENB (DOWNLOAD) Download, then add the file to NMM via "Add mod from file". Then install the mod as usual Bright Falli...