Install 1: "Unofficial Skyrim Modder's Patch - USMP SE 2.6.4b" Install 2: "Unofficial Skyrim Modder's Patch - USMP SE" *Version 2.6.5 Skyrim Particle Patch for ENB (DOWNLOAD) Download, then add the file to NMM via "Add mod from file". Then install the mod as usual Bright Falli...
Telvanni Spellsword Armor You can see a quick showcase here. Vampire Lord Dragon Priest Armour Kozakowy's Falka Armor UNP Beautiful look and real protection at the same time. kozakowy profile Asides from the armor above which I mentioned separately as it both differs from this authoress us...
Grayfall - A open air river side stilt home that rests on the river flowing south of Windhelm; home to the Argonian Spellsword known as Knows-Sky-Height 文件说明 Mod截图 相关作品 两款物理头发HDT-PE|小小饰品整合|城市:天际线 陆上使用抽水排污循环两用MOD|上古卷轴5:天际 化蝠飞行v2.1 汉化版|...
关系对话大修SE 加载顺序: 当放置在加载顺序的底部附近时,效果很好。 如果使用沉浸式公民,请在该mod之后加载。 名称和位置: 阿纳比(Anahbi)-女,重型装甲,两手武器 Falkreath Deadmans饮料 安纳西(Ahnassi)-女,轻甲,单手武器 Riften Haelga的双层屋 Ahnissi-女,轻甲,弓箭手和单手武器 ...
-LE mod*Convert in CK*Optimize in Cathedral Assets Optimizer!Khajiit Mane - 3/6/21-Changes the khajiit head to be more lion-like-Use this or the optional face meshes from the mane mod in the hair section of this listThis one feel like a Tiger-khajiit replacer SE - 1/20/22...
Check out the modpage if you wanna dive deeper into it. The Wizard Warrior Last but no least, The Wizard Warrior allows for spellcasting via weapons. It is the absolute dreams for any spellsword character. Only downside: gatekept behind 80 Destruction, so it's not available right off the...
Dorethi - Severin Manor Guard for Skyrim SEadds a female DarkElf spellsword guard to Severin Manor, to function like a "Housecarl" and potential marriage partner. Player Homes Silverstead (SE)is a large Hearthfire inspired buildable player home/small town with over 280+ build options to choose...
respectively."Skyrim Party System" is a recommended mod because it have a simply function.■Ellie■- Spellsword- Has acquired own spell "Sound od Silence" (Fortified Magic)- Skillful at magic attack and Skillful one-handed sword attack- Transform into Ouroboros...
[FE 254] AMX_TelvanniSpellsword.esp [FE 255] Black Mage Armor SE.esp [FE 256] ESO Skyshards - Wyrmstooth.esp [FE 257] InnoLostAlt.esp [FE 258] VigorEnhancedCombat.esp [FE 259] Dynamic Stamina.esp [FE 25A] Fulcimentum - Arcanum Patch.esp [FE 25B] SPTConsistentOlderPeopleSE...
在3DM Mod站下载上古卷轴5:重置版最新的亚当龙出生的随从为Skyrim SE MOD Mod,由AIndalecio制作。zk4在我们的平台上分享了这个免费且高质量的游戏模组,让玩家们可以享受到更加丰富的游戏体验。快来3DM Mod站下载并尝试吧! 详细介绍 Mod作者: AIndalecio Mod版本: 1.0 Mod大小: 1.50 KB 更新时间: 2019-12-29...