Now lands, roads and paths are populated by Adventurers, Merchants with Body Guards, Refugees, Pilgrims, Assassins and much other. Compatible with everything, this mod doesn’t use scripts. All new NPCs are respawnable, with different aspects. I suggest to use this mod with my other Populated...
8.A Quality World MapandSolstheim Map with Roads One of the most popular user interface mods forSkyrimaddresses a common fan complaint: the map and its lack of detail. It’s safe to say theQuality World Mapmod fixes that issue given the 3 million downloads and all the positive feedback ...
Virus scan Safe to use Tags for this mod Tag this mod Description Files 1 Images 5 Videos 0 Posts 38 Forum 0 Bugs 0 Logs Stats Activity logs This page was last updated on 02 April 2021, 3:49PM Changelogs Author's activity Mod page activity VORTEX...
R264 Males ShoutMaster Roads.esp整合了9,17,13,15PBR.esp整合了14,3,8,BSA都是对应esp文件名的,如果没有对应esp文件,那这个bsa就只是个贴图文件,可以自由删除目前这种整合方式下,这几个文件附带的它们的个体ESP都不可删除,删除就跳出,要删就一起删掉,这些MOD就都失效了,下面会写如何选择自己想要的MOD其他...
-「Blended Roads」の美麗な街道用テクスチャ(オプション)- 見落とされていた箇所を美麗化する他のModでもカバーされていない、あるいはNexusで検索し辛かったり、古いModでカバーされているものの今はより高品質にできる箇所(素材、家具、クエストアイテム、珍しい植物、小動物、虫など)も...
SkyrimSE 2018沉浸与现实主义视觉大修指南 请参阅截图和视频演示 MOD链接在邮政部分粘贴 显示的所有屏幕截图和视频均采用以下设置拍摄。 此设置已经过性能和质量测试。见常见问题。 灵感来自“终极沉浸 - 天际” 厌倦了浪费无数个小时骑自行车穿过mod试图达到最真实/沉浸的结果?
在3DM Mod站下载上古卷轴5:重置版最新的Skyrim SE的灯笼 - MCM版本 Mod,由MannyGT and ToosTruus制作。lxystephen在我们的平台上分享了这个免费且高质量的游戏模组,让玩家们可以享受到更加丰富的游戏体验。快来3DM Mod站下载并尝试吧! 详细介绍 Mod作者: MannyGT and ToosTruus Mod版本: 3.0 Mod大小: 1.10 MB...
So a good UI mod always comes in handy. The main task of UI mods is to make your gameplay more comfortable, navigating in menus more intuitive, adding more useful widgets and spending less time in menus in general, enjoying the gameplay. Some of the absolutely essential UI mods like Sky...
Blended Roads optimized meshes (really blended) Blended Shorelines - No more jagged water edges Blind People Animations in the Dark Blind people DAR animations Block Grabbing House Clutter - BTPS Plugin Blood and Silver - Cidhna Mine Expanded Bloodhaven The Ancient Vampire (Char Grinn) Goth Vampir...
Install 1: "Unofficial Skyrim Modder's Patch - USMP SE 2.6.4b" Install 2: "Unofficial Skyrim Modder's Patch - USMP SE" *Version 2.6.5 Skyrim Particle Patch for ENB (DOWNLOAD) Download, then add the file to NMM via "Add mod from file". Then install the mod as usual Bright Falli...