NPCs with more extensive dialogue and role play choices. Over 250+ fully voiced NPCs, 25+ followers, 15+ marriage NPCs, and 50+ quests.This is a fan-port of the LE mod. Ported to Skyrim SE
So you go to a slave market, slather a high elf in Bug Musk, and throw 'er in the yurt and get out of there.I like this sort of quest. It pleases me. I would probably wind up murderizing all the slavers and the tribal leader. I am, after all, an idealist. She is argueably...
An add on mod to the devious mods of Skyrim allowing you to be assaulted the more vulnerable you appear. - SkyrimDeviouslyEnslavedContinued/DeviouslyEnslavedContinued/dec_plans.txt at master · DeviousFramework/SkyrimDeviouslyEnslavedContinued
I think I used the first version of this mod as a base and then picked and chose stuff I liked - There are other good options like: (which has now been updated for SE) Pale Horsema...
Whiter Teeth for ALL (SE) - Orc Khajiit Argonian Werewolf - 2/13/21-This also affects Orcs and werewolves. You can go in and delete these textures if you don't want them.-If using the mouth retexture included in Argonians Enhanced, delete the argonian textures in this mod.Blue ...