Hair Skyrim Script Extender (SKSE) Only for Female Characters About this mod This mod comes with female hairstyles from the KS Hairdos pack with added HDT SMP physics. It is standalone and does not require the main KS Hairdos mod.
For body physics: XPMSSE CBBE SE CBBE SMP (3BBB) - Official SMP body and config presets for CBBE SE CBBE 3BBB (3BA) - Edited CBBE SE body and config presets TBD SE TBD SMP BHUNP SEOther mods: KS Hairdos SMP or other hair mods Artesian Cloaks of Skyrim Search Nexus or ...
《上古卷轴5:天际重制版(The Elder Scrolls:Skyrim Special Edition)》是由Bethesda制作发行的一款RPG游戏,是《上古卷轴5:天际》的高清重制版本。与原作相比,B社对游戏画面进行了更为细致的加工,包括水体效果,叶片效果甚至是天气效果在内的画面都获得了相当大的提升。
FYX - Windhelm Palace of The Kings - SoS - Parallax - Light Mods Fabled Forests Fabled Forests - A Cat's Life lazy patch Fabled Forests - Ivy on Trees Fabled Forests Patch Compendium Falmer Huts - Animated Falmer Overhaul - My patches SE by Xtudo - LOTD patch Falmer Overhaul - My pat...
Install: "Project AHO - Apachii Hair" █ Project AHO Sadrith Kegran ENB Fix (LINK) █ Project AHO - Start when You want (LINK) Install: "Project AHOPatch SE" Note: Don't download the ESL version, it doesn't work. █ XPMSSE - AHO Patch (LINK) █ VIGILANT SE (LINK) *This mod ...
Hello, Sorry as it seems I'm posting a very common question in the forums, but after looking for days to find an answer I have to assume my issue is somewhat unique. My crash is consistently in Riften, I've removed all mods and attempted to go to Riften
High poly heads for all playable vanilla races based on the vanilla head meshes (male and female). A simple name for a not-so-simple mod. Available for both LE and SE. Features smooth high poly male and female heads complementary high poly brows, beards, scars, and hair to...
I've been installing mods for a long time and I've come across several problems, but luckily I managed to solve practically all but one. Before my SKSE opened normally through MO2, but after some time I tried to run the game to see how t...
HDT: Advanced physics system, used mainly for bodies, clothes, hair. In Skyrim SE/AE, HDT-SMP (where SMP stands for "skin meshed physics) is the base for a lot of contemporary physics mods. ENB: "Enhanced natural beauty" Additional program that can enhance visuals in a lot of games, ...
Major/large updates for Skyrim SE/AE, Skyrim LE (graphics), Skyrim LE (gameplay), Cyberpunk 2077, TES IV: Oblivion with hundreds of new mods for those, as well as medium/minor updates The Witcher 3, Fallout New Vegas and Dragon Age Origins modding guides with dozens of new mods added....