This SKSE plugin overrides the exception handler in Skyrim SE and produces a stack dump when a crash occurs. If you're lucky, the stack contains a hint that allows you to find and fix the cause.
Hi, I have constant crashes while trying to reach a specific area of the Reach. I attached a map of crashes (the stars) they seems to create a circle where I can't go without crashing(the circle). I found a couple of old saves that loaded with the same m
If you find yourself crashing, then please share your crashlogs in the appropriate #support channel on the discord server. In order to get the best possible response please ensure that: Your crash is reproducible. You include all relevant crashlogs (if you do not know where to find them the...
Crash: Archive is broken: ERROR: E:\GAME MODS\SSE\vortex downloads\skyrimse\SEXY BUNNYCBBE Bodyslide HDT.7z.001 SEXY BUNNYCBBE Bodyslide HDT.7z Open ERROR: Cannot open the file as [7z] archive ERRORS: Unexpected end of archive Application Crash System Message Archive is broken: ERROR: E:...
A: Most likely you installed one of my patches without noticing, if thats not the case check this: Skyrim Crash on Startup FIX Guide Video- to find the cause.Q: Is this mod compatible with X tavern mod?A: I just added some xmarkers to some inns so if a mod just adds some extra...
Sign Up, it unlocks many cool features! text 76.11 KB | None | 0 0 raw download clone embed print report Unhandled native exception occurred at 0x7FF7F7E17B53 (SkyrimSE.exe+597B53) on thread 50156! FrameworkName: NetScriptFramework FrameworkVersion: 10 FrameworkArchitecture: x64 ...
I am trying to modify Lydia to be a ranger and I have somewhat simple config for that but for some reason it makes my game crash on load. SkyPatcher log doesnt have error. But crashlog shows its lydia related. Any idea what I am doing wrong?;--- Lydia --- Leather armor ---...
The problem: On my PC i've installed Windows 11 insider preview and now MO2 cannot allow me to save game on Skyrim Special Edition. Every time i try to save or quicksave game crash and i return back on MO2. To Reproduce: Steps to reprodu...
Application Crash System Platform win32 10.0.19043 Architecture x64 Application Version 1.5.10 Process renderer Message Archive is broken: ERROR: D:\Mod telechargement\skyrimse\Enhanced Lights and FX-2424-3-06.7z Can not open the file as archive Le processus ne peut pas acc�der au fichier...
SSE mods are coming thick and fast and quite a few are re-works of old favourites so I already have a Skyrim SE much like my earlier version. If the author is not doing it read up on what needs doing, apart from some artwork changes most can be done with the CK and Nifscope if ...