Upon request, I prepared a guide to flag ESP files as ESL. Why you would want to do this: When flagged as ESL, the files do not count towards the 255 mod limit. Why you might not want to do this: However, only smaller mods can be changed to ESL. Furthermore, mods that are refe...
Tag this mod About this mod XEdit script which converts ESP Follower mod to ESPFE. In theory, it should convert any ESP plugin that is suitable for this, not only followers. Share Requirements Permissions and credits Changelogs Donations...
It only counts .esl plugins as light and not the .esp flagged with esl, Vortex says I have 1526 plugins and 16 light plugins when yesterday it was saying I have 185 plugins and 1357 light plugins. 1526 plugins is way over the 255 limit and the game shouldn't work, yet it does work...
Generate LOD. Install the output with the new DynDOLOD.esp and the new generated LOD. Enable the new DynDOLOD.esp. Start game, load the last save, go outside. DynDOLOD should initialize by itself, else activate from MCM. Follow the same procedure for Skyrim SE even though there...
This mod adds an armor mashup that I originally created for Serana. After seeing a lot of interested in it, I decided to share with everyone =) Share Requirements Permissions and credits Translations Ukrainian Spanish Russian Portuguese Mandarin ...
The mod is not flagged as .ESL, just like a normal .ESP, because it has FaceGen data on it, so if it was flagged, whoever is not using the last official updates for SE or AE, including most pirated Skyrim users, will have the NPCs added by this mod having the gray face bug. Ho...
Miscellaneous Silent Combat - No Combat Music - No ESP or ESL Endorsements 27 Unique DLs 335 Total DLs 390 Total views 2,248 Version 1.0 Download: Manual 1 items Last updated 19 May 20245:29AM Original upload 19 May 20245:29AM Created by ...
Als ESP und ESL - beides läuft unter 1.5.97 - Eine neue Stadt wird an der Grenze zwischen Falkenring und Weißlauf hinzugefügt: 9 neue NPCs mit eigenen Zeitplänen, 4 neue Bauwerke, ein funktioniere
If you absolutely must have the mod be ESPFE, please refer to this document “ESLify (A Guide to ESL Flag Your Plugins And Maintain Your Plugin Limit)” to safely convert to ESPFE within your own mod list. This will not break compatibility with the Legacy of the Dragonborn Official ...
There are certain ways to convert them but I don't want to get in the details or this will look like a very long love letter. Maybe someone other can summarize it and leave their ideas on this topic. Take for example HS series of mods. They all have espfe and have interior cells....