上古自整合mod1.AmazingFollowerTweaks是A大包里的AFT管理随从软件,直接拿来用了2.ApachiiHair是发型贴图,从9DM上重找了个转的3.Better Skill and Quest Books Names SE是直接显示书本是否会加技能点,不需要点开就显示出来了4.Bijin AIO是在BOTOX底板上附加了BIJIN美化的文件5.Breezehome是重新找的微风阁大修,升级...
Weapon Armor Attribute Tweaks - GermanWeapon Armor Attribute Tweaks - GermanEndorsements 6 Unique DLs 586 Total DLs 1,027 Total views 1,804 Version 1.0-DV1.4 Original File Download: Manual 1 items Last updated 04 February 2025 8:34AM Original upload 24 March 2024 7:04PM Created by...
work; a greatsword that can easily be crafted under the ebony category. This sword shares the properties of an EBONY GREATSWORD. The mod doesn't aim to change or adjust the features of the weapon, but simply port it as-is to Skyrim SE and ensure it loads, and works as originally ...
Mod news Interviews Mod updates Site News Monthly Roundup - February 2025 03 Mar 2025 SlugGirl It’s another Monthly Roundup. I know February is a shorter month, but it really has flown by. We’ve even had a bit of sunshine lately, so we’ve all been buzzing at the prospect of Spring...
weapon packs at the same time, because most likely you'll never see many of items ingame even with Bashed Patch. Choose one or two big weapon/armor packs and polish this by several smaller mods you like. It's literally impossible to list absolutely all great mod of this category here ...
在3DM Mod站下载上古卷轴5:重置版最新的SKYAI SE(V2 Redux)-Skyrim添加项目 Mod,由Ruddy88 and MikeyNexus制作。godoyj在我们的平台上分享了这个免费且高质量的游戏模组,让玩家们可以享受到更加丰富的游戏体验。快来3DM Mod站下载并尝试吧! 详细介绍
Pretty Combat Animations is even more customizable than the other mods in the ‘pretty’ animations series. It includes a huge amount of animation options for all of the different weapon types. This mod lets you choose what you want, so you don’t have to skip out on the mod if you don...
How can I change item's type and look in inventory/shops ? By Syntia13, May 7, 2014 2 replies 895 views IsharaMeradin February 18 Dysfunctional Weapon Plaques and Racks 1 2 3 By Kinkaid, July 9, 2012 20 replies 82.7k views SojournerOne February 18 Witcher project extracting...
Check out the modpage if you wanna dive deeper into it. Vitrium It's a tools pack, with cool animation, every buff is really significant: from bonus damage, imbuing your weapon with an element like a resin in Dark Souls or a temporary ward! Check out the modpage if you wanna dive ...
CHANGE LOG Whenever the project is updated, changes are listed hereMods 1: Bug-FixesAddress Library for SKSE Plugins (LINK) Install: "All in one (Special Edition)" SSE Engine Fixes (LINK) Download both files manually, and unpack into the Skyrim SE game-folder. *Don't use the mod ...