Definitely not very lore-friendly looking, but a great and original fully-voiced follower with own questline and various reactions of surroundings and your actions. If you'll decide to grab her, you may be interested in her customizer, visual overhaul and a bugfix patch.Companion ...
Thank you immensely for making combat in this game invigorating and demanding of focus and awareness of surroundings, weaknesses, etc. You have my gratitude. I have to thank you for the amazing work you did. You are one of the best modders on the Nexus, no doubt. Just leaving my praise...
centered around Castle Dour where General Tullius leads the war effort. It is ruled by Jarl Elisif the Fair, widow of the late High King Torygg. The city and its surroundings are quite a sight for those that haven’t seen it from afar. It is also the home of the Blue Palace and Sk...
Summon Nordic totems to heal you or damage your opponents, consecrate your surroundings to gain an easily-accessible sanctuary, or look upon the land from the eye of a bird. Celestial Magic. Applying the two spell schools from Cosmic Spells, you can unlock the powers of the Magna-Ge. ...
Be aware of your surroundings, because Draugrs (the above screen) will start coming out of the nearby crypts. If you're playing a warrior, jump down and join the fight. Otherwise, I suggest staying close to the handle and attacking from a safe distance. After the battle, use the unlocke...