Marriage Mod - To Have And To Hold Endorsements 7,988 Unique DLs 170,989 Total DLs 381,519 Total views 1,103,185 Version 1.0 Download: Manual Last updated 21 May 20228:42AM Original upload 03 March 20174:35PM Created by joeThinkStudios ...
It adds a mindblowing 250+ fully voiced NPCs, 25+ voiced followers with location-specific dialogue, 15+ new marriage options, and 50+ brand new quests. Simply put, this mod turns one of thebiggest open-world mapsin video game history into an even more dynamic and interesting place to expl...
About this mod Skyfall Estate is a medium sized, Adoption/Lore Friendly Player Home located just outside Whiterun across from Honningbrew Meadery, it includes plenty of Safe Storage, Armor Mannequins, Weapon Racks, Displays for Black Books, Masks, Elder Scrolls, Ect., New Marriageable Merchant...
Remove same sex marriage? - Skyrim Mod RequestsSo like, can someone make a mod where it deactivates any kind of homosexual dialogue/affection npcs' may show you?-I had a picture but then i took an arrow in the knee and lost itHatzenbuehler...
Interesting NPCs takes care of the opposite world ofSkyrim, improving upon the dialogue options and role-play choices of every random oddball in the game. If the included 250 fully voiced NPCs, 25 followers, and 15 marriage options just weren’t enough, the mod also has over 50 unique quest...
Dominion's More Dawnguard Marriage Candidates Dominion's More Potential Marriage Candidates Dominions Hearthfire Stewards Pneuma Manor - Soul Cairn Home Morthal's Ghastly Mine Hushed Soul Cairn Lightning Multiple Lycanthrophy Regift Clan Armstrong Tartan Companions Wolf Cuirass...
There’s over 250 of them, including marriage prospects, followers and quest givers. Followers also have unique commentary, insights and questlines, so there’s plenty of reasons to ditch the largely forgettable vanilla cast and travel with some new pals. Download Interesting NPCs or the Special...
Embark on a journey with her, and occasionally talk to her to unlock dialogue options that will lead to a romance, and optional marriage. LoonaShadow - Custom Voiced Follower A beautiful and poetic follower with custom voiced lines. Aurlyn Dawnstone - The Reclusive Philosopher Aurlyn is a ...
On the topic of romance, OStim addons were changed to make it more consistent, as default, marriage is made by ORomance, and therefore, a whole new system for relationships exists, this is complemented by OStim Lovers to enhance the dialogs that you get with certain NPCs, there is also...
Enrich the world of Skyrim with Interesting NPCs, which features a diverse cast of 250+ custom-voiced NPCs—including marriage candidates and followers—with immersive backstories and extensive dialogue branches. In addition to its many intricate characters, it also adds a multitude of new quests to...