Another miner, Sondas Drenim is a male Dark Elf who can be found in theGoldenrock Minein Drinkwater Crossing. Eastmarch. He is a kind-hearted elf, caring more for his fellow miners than himself. He brings medicine for his fellow miners who are affected by the underground dust. He can be...
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim The Elder Scrolls Online References ↑Serana's dialogue ↑Songs of the Return, Vol 2 ↑Songs of the Return, Vol 19 ↑4.04.1Scourge of the Gray Quarter ↑5.05.1Dunmer of Skyrim ↑6.06.1Dialogue withBrunwulf Free-Winter ...
Aela the Huntress is by far the most popular wife in Skyrim and the best wife to have if you want a woman to howl at the moon with. (Literally.) Found in Jorrvaskr, Aela is a Nord werewolf and a member of the Companions. She is also the one who will offer youLycanthropyand will ...
This happens whenever an attempt is made to place more books on a shelf than will fit. For example, if the caption says 10 of 10 books are on the shelf, trying to place eleventh locks the shelf up and all books become inaccessible. Any of the Elder Scrolls may get stuck in the ...
I hate mimes more than bards! I stand up and try to walk away, but as soon as I’m erect, one of them rushes over to me! This is it, death! Death by mime! I always knew it would end this way! Please make it swift! I hope they’re not flashers But death does not come ...
Created by Cirena Uploaded by Cirena Virus scan Some files not scanned Terrain Weather Models/Meshes Textures Related to vampires New Lands Locations - Player-Owned NPC Vendors View more...Tag this mod About this mod A large player castle home for vampire characters, with a cathedral and a ...
View more...Tag this mod About this mod Makes it possible to choose the Uchiha Race, having access to their powers, including an ever evolving Sharingan. Share Requirements Permissions and credits Translations Russian Portuguese Changelogs
How many wives can you have in Skyrim? You can only haveone wifein Skyrim. If your spouse dies, or you're feeling murderous, you can not remarry. Having more than one house does not change this either. Can you marry an orc in Skyrim?
Or do you want to steal bread and eat it in your house alone with your Argonian wife? Well those are all valid and viable options for one to partake in. This game is simply put an astounding work of art and everyone owes it to themself to give this game a gander. Read More ...
Magnetism' in your attacks draws them more towards enemies rather than allies.磁性在你的攻击中对...