Improved soundscape experience with higher quality audio and more realistic sounds. Vanilla NPC appearance overhaul (body textures, clothes, scars, paints, etc) Lighting and weather improvements. Two custom patches Important Links -> STEP Forums ...
Version 1.2.0 Download: Manual Last updated 03 July 20177:43PM Original upload 04 July 20145:03AM Created by isophe Uploaded by isophe Virus scan Safe to use Chargen Lore-Friendly Replacer English Face Hair Races - Modified NPCs View more...Tag this mod...
This mod takes the Bethesda hi-resolution armor, clothes, and weapons textures, and enhances them for maximum performance while maintaining as much detail as possible before resizing them. It was desi
Join the Beta to test our latest design updates.Find out more. Join Beta Thalmor clothes color retexture pack HD Endorsements 140 Unique DLs 1,627 Total DLs 2,179 Total views 63,681 Version 1.0 Download: Manual 10 items Last updated
DoesTropical Skyrimmake some of the clothes people are wearing a little ridiculous? Sure. But it's easy to dismiss it if you just work really hard at believing fur isinin Skyrim this year, and after that, it's easy to forget the rest of your troubles in a tropical paradise with a bit...
High poly heads for all playable vanilla races based on the vanilla head meshes (male and female). A simple name for a not-so-simple mod. Available for both LE and SE. Features smooth high poly male and female heads complementary high poly brows, beards, scars, and hair to...
Crafting furniture like a spinning wheel and loom to craft hemp products like the farmer's clothes and the High Rock Robe Craftable Rugs The craftable unique High Rock Robe inspired by the 'Skyrim Drug Trip' machinima (video linked in the video section) NEW in 0.1.6: A more immersive, NPC...
This mod comes with a custom installer (See image for recommended settings) Barenziah's Glowing - 1k Stones - New Colors (LINK) Bellyaches Animal and Creature Pack (LINK) Install "High Res Pack for NMM" if you have 2GB or more video memory Install "Medium Res Pack for NMM" if you ...
Clothes Cubemaps Clutter Dungeons Effects Landscape Smim High Poly Project Optional: BB Luxury Suite Retexture Renthal chicken: New normal map If you already have 2017, you can use it with 2018 after it in the load order. As of now, 2017 has still some files, which aren't included in 201...
The Warmonger Armory mod is, as the description reads, “made with compatibility in mind.” It includes a multitude of clothes, weapons, and armor all based upon classicElder Scrollslore, intended to uproot the base game and DLC with the flavor of years past. Categorized by race, the varied...