方法二:在MO2的空白处单击右键👉点击Create empty mod👉随意命名mod名称👉右键点击你刚刚创建的空白mod👉点击Open in explorer👉将steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\Data下所有以cc开头的文件剪切进空白mod中👉回到MO2并刷新👉确保你刚刚创建的空白mod是取消勾选状态 原理是让MO2管理周年版内容,取消...
Mod Organizer (MO) is a tool for managing mod collections of arbitrary size. It is specifically designed for people who like to experiment with mods and thus need an easy and reliable way to install a
If a mod is hosted on the Nexus, you can add it to MO2 in two ways. One is to click Download With Manager under the file on the Nexus, and this will download it directly to your mod manager. The other is to click the Manual Download button, and this will download it to your do...
先安装Mod Organizer 2.07 下载插件后解压 “game_skyrimse.dll” 到 Mod Organizer/plugin 目录下 ...
二.设置并使用MO2安装简体中文汉化补丁 MO2(Mod Organizer 2)是一个管理mod的工具。 该软件的特点在于不用将MOD放到游戏根目录,因此即使是MOD出错也可以轻松处理,而不再需要删除游戏并重新安装。 MO2的安装完成后,需要先进行中文的设置。 设置中文 第一步,点击软件中的螺丝刀和扳手图标打开设置。
ModOrganizer2 / modorganizer-game_skyrim Public Notifications Fork 5 Star 2 2 stars 5 forks Branches Tags Activity Star Notifications ModOrganizer2/modorganizer-game_skyrim master BranchesTags Code Folders and files Latest commit Cannot retrieve latest commit at this time. History167 Commits ...
Hi,After long time I wanted back to Skyrim and mod to Special Edition.Usually I'm using Mod Organizer 2 for installing mods.Anyway..When I try to start even Skyrim or Skyrim Launcher with Mod Organizer 2, its giving Error and not launch game.I'm not usin
先安装Mod Organizer 2.07 下载插件后解压 “game_skyrimse.dll” 到 Mod Organizer/plugin 目录下 下...
2 This is my favourite topic fil-cat New User Posted October 02, 2022 DesertRose92:MO2 = Mod Organizer 2 It is a mod manager, though. :P Still, what I haven't been able to figure out if the GOG Skyrim SE (Special Edition) is version 1.5.59 (or can be downgraded to that versio...
iniRePather-Skyrim\Mod Organizer 2\mods 里放的是安装的 MOD 文件,可以通过移动这个文件夹里的东西和上面的配置文件来实现完整的恢复和备份如果不小心删除了某个 MOD,可以在回收站里还原,再从该文件里找到,压缩后再次从 MO2 里安装(当然想要某个整合包里的个别 MOD,也可以用该方法,实现缝合各大整合包) 5楼...