TRADUÇÃO para PT-BR do MOD: Menu Maid 2 - MCM managerOculte, renomeie e reordene qualquer um dos menus de configuração de 'mods ilimitados' que você pode ter com este gerenciador.
Mod Configuration Menu (MCM) SkyUI Tag this mod Description Files 2 Images 26 Videos 3 Posts 194 Forum 1 Bugs 12 Logs Stats About this mod Share Requirements Permissions and credits Changelogs SSE Version: Matt... Mods Manager Menu Disable Hide Remove +Colour Map Markers SE +Bandit Economy +Detection Meter - NG +Eye Normal Map Fix SSE +Disable Turn Animation SE I AE +Flower Girls NPC Relationships +Footprints Sand Patch 0.9 +Extended Encounters +Horses Simply Turn Better +Gesture Animation ...
Rather than choosing from preset options like bandit or necromancer, when you create a new character you open the Mod Configuration menu and toggle a ton of individual options. Select your equipment and spells, how much money you own, where you begin, and whether you're the Dragonborn. You ...
installing mods for skyrim is simple. first, you will need to download and install the nexus mod manager, which will let you easily manage your mods with a user-friendly interface. once that’s setup, open the manager, find, and download the mod(s) you want to install, then activate ...
如果一切都正确安装,mod 现在应该可以工作了。 什麼是最好的天际模组? 最好的天际模组范围从角色大修到纹理改进、错误修复等等。一些最受欢迎的天际模组包括 fluffy manager,一个模组管理器,可说明玩家跟踪他们安装的模组;enderal,一款基於天际引擎的全新游戏;skyui,为游戏提供更好的功能表和ui(用户介面);以及非...
Mods chevron_right Back close Close navigation menu Mods All mods New Trending Most endorsed Top files Mod categories Mods of the month Mod updates Recent activityCollections chevron_right Back close Close navigation menu Collections All collections Recently added Most endorsed Highest rated...
Uninstall the mod.Configuration:Before you begin using the mod take a few moments to go through the configuration process. You can access configuration menu in-game by using the "Convenient Horses" power or through SkyUI-MCM interface. If you want to use BoundKey mode make sure you bind the...
GriptzionTeleportMenuSpell_DLC.esp No More Glowing Edges.esp zzVampireFaction.esp 100XCarryWeight.esp A Simple Marriage Mod.esp CandlelightToggle10.esp Combat Evolved.esp Craftable Torches.esp JiubQuestMarkers.esp DibellasCompulsion-NudeSpell-1-1.esp ...
Skyrim Mod Configuration Menu Recorder (for recording and playing back game configs) Note: theSKI_ConfigBaseandSKI_ConfigManagerscripts are NOT OWNED BY ME. They are owned byschlangsterand their inclusion in this project does NOT mean that they are MIT licensed. ...