跟ruinelec大大的 cheat_mod_mcm 配合使用效果很好(懒人首选)http://bbs.3dmgame.com/thread-3714972-...
Going by the original 1990s Elder Scrolls games, members of the Order of Blades are supposed to have a scar above their right eyebrow as a way of showing allegiance to the Order. This very small mod uses vanilla assets to give the Blades of Skyrim that scar. Sniffs-Cat-Fur Book Antholo...
Not Lore-Friendly Skyrim Script Extender (SKSE) Mod Configuration Menu (MCM) SkyUI Tag this mod Description Files 2 Images 26 Videos 3 Posts 193 Forum 1 Bugs 12 Logs Stats About this mod Share Requirements Permissions and credits Changelogs SSE Version:https://www.ne...
A Mod that lets you display Player values, Faction Ranks in Custom Windows. There is a Window for inside the Inventory Menu as well that updates with equip/unequip of Gear. - GitHub - clayne/SkyrimCharacterSheet: A Mod that lets you display Player value
Basically, the reason why I was trying to update everything is because I'd just installed "A Matter of Time" and it wasn't showing up in my Mod Configuration menu. It was showing up on screen, but it wasn't registering in the Mod Config options. I looked on Nexus and it said I ...
This guide is intended to be a general guide to the configuration settings for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim game as set through INI files, including Skyrim.ini, SkyrimPrefs.ini, Plugin INIs, and Mod Organizer (MO) INI Tweaks. Its purpose is geared toward how these will affect the game rath...
Mcm Recorder Skyrim Mod Configuration Menu Recorder (for recording and playing back game configs) Note: the SKI_ConfigBase and SKI_ConfigManager scripts are NOT OWNED BY ME. They are owned by schlangster and their inclusion in this project does NOT mean that they are MIT licensed.About...
在3DM Mod站下载上古卷轴5:重置版最新的AH Hotkeys - Skyrim Hotkey Manager SSE Mod,由RealAntithesis制作。hrd6808在我们的平台上分享了这个免费且高质量的游戏模组,让玩家们可以享受到更加丰富的游戏体验。快来3DM Mod站下载并尝试吧!
the Wine HQ page for Skyrim (linked above) lists some troubleshooting solutions including this: "Some mods change the fonts in Skyrim and sometimes that ends in wine not showing up the menu of Skyrim. Simple fix is to remove fontconfig.txt in Data/Interface." Might solve your issue. uninsta...
If SkyUI version 3.0 or higher is installed, you can also use the in-game Mod Configuration Menu first to deactivate the mod in-game before deleting it. If you forget to do this first it will generally not be an issue, but theoretically the mod might leave some small traces inside your...