You can go on adventures with Ulfric, a Greybeard, even boss enemies like Harkon, Ysolda (and turn her into a powerful warrior), anyone you can talk to can be a follower!- Have your own army that will follow you on command, fight your battles while you sit back and have any NPC's...
Here it is, a mod that finally puts the Dragonborn in charge! This mod adds quest that makes you the High King of Skyrim, not just in name, but adds new features and gameplay that is suited for a
As soon as you can start the vampire plotline in the vampire DLC, do so, and get her as a follower. It makes the rest of the game much better. Plotline 8/10 Also mostly standard-fare fantasy stuff, but with a unique elder scrolls flair. Hard for me to judge, after playing through...
My primary complaint in Skyrim, on my non-VR setup is when I can’t program a command because I don’t say have enough buttons, I can pause the action, make my choice, and unpause. What might be worse if there was no pause while selection are being made. What I hate about this ...
4. Save.8. How to make vampirism work correctly? You need Race Compatibility for Skyrim and Dawnguard. You shouldn't need a console command if you use it.9. How to install this with Better Vampires? The optimal order to install this race with Better Vampires would be the following: ...
When doing the quest to get married, marry a follower. Then, make them follow you and trade items. They should have 750 gold because of the store they run. Take their gold, leave, and wait one day to get more gold. Repeat this as many times as desired. While doing the quests to ...
You can go on adventures with Ulfric, a Greybeard, even boss enemies like Harkon, Ysolda (and turn her into a powerful warrior), anyone you can talk to can be a follower! ... have your own army that will follow you on command, fight your battles while you sit back and have any ...
The Inigo mod introduces a fully voiced, lore-friendly Khajiit follower to Skyrim. With a rich backstory, unique personality, and loads of witty commentary, Inigo will add depth and charm to the world of Skyrim as he accompanies you on your adventures. ...
This is a well known glitch, to fix it one must over-ride the spell with a weapon to un-equip it. NPC, follower: After a follower is ordered to take everything from a container, the items cannot be sold even if they are not stolen goods.(PC) Quest, name of the quest = ?: Cur...
If your follower has a brutal two handed weapon and some armor they might be able to take the boss a little better than yourself. As long as you have some distance and make use of your shield you can resist the brunt of the damage and easily counter. Loot the Overlord to gain the...