Firstly, I wish to thank you for that excellent skin texture comparison page by Swefrida.It will certainly help me to compare them and chose a few which I like the most and which won't consume too much of my already very limited amount of RAM. I'm also taking your personal suggestions...
Texture artist and outfit mod creator, Lind’s Realm, released a new female clothing attire forSkyrim,“Lind’s Marksmage Garb”for UNP body. A refreshing change from the usual robes and dresses, this outfit features trousers with camisole and belt. No armor, so it’s perfect for a mage....
GK Mage Followers 20 2K UUNP Custom Body Replacer (LINK) Download the file, add it to NMM and install as usual GK Orc Followers Ver.1.1 (LINK) Install: "GK Orc Followers Ver.1.1" GK Orc Followers - 1.1 2K Texture Replacer (LINK) Download the file, add it to NMM and install as usu...
Every huge texture has been updated with Parallax and sometimes Complex Material, these can be activated or deactivated in ENBSERIES.ini if you don't have VRAM to spare, the average use with the highest settings and parallax is 5-6 VRAM now. Animations were revised, both in combat and out...
24. Linds’ Necromancer Robes Revamp Moving on from the finer things into the dark side, we have redesigned necromancer robes that are definitely a huge step up from their vanilla counterparts. This mod adds a new set of robes and accompanying hood with a unique texture, new skull motifs, ...
The cloth versions found in the alt texture and cloth addon are now WAF protective clothing and have values consistent with that of other mage robes.Players who want the alternate textures as a REPLACEMENT for the original black cuirass, gloves, and sword textures, can use TheNytech’s red ...
在3DM Mod站下载上古卷轴5:天际最新的Skyrim LE-沉浸式的传奇经历 Mod,由LatinGames制作。y411325在我们的平台上分享了这个免费且高质量的游戏模组,让玩家们可以享受到更加丰富的游戏体验。快来3DM Mod站下载并尝试吧! 详细介绍 Mod作者: LatinGames Mod版本: 0.9 Mod大小: 11.5 MB 更新时间: 2019-11-19 08:...
Creation Club Poison Apple Texture Fix Creation Club Arcane Accessories Male Mage Robe Fix Creation Club Arcne Accessories - Disenchant Robes (Included in J.Russles all-in-one or Arcane accessories patch) Creation Club Arcane Accessories - Only Rare Books Quest Reward (Included in J.Russ...
I preferred the regular thief armor over the Nightingale gear, so an update seemed in order.“Nightingale Prime HD”replaces the texture with more details and a cleaner look. For something more stylish for the women, try“Celes Nightingale Armor”by Deserter X. Includes several options such as...
There are robes which will increase your magic capabilities.有一些长袍可以增强你的法术能力。Way of...