Place any apparel item (armor or jewelry for best results) on a mannequin. Then, put the item back into your inventory. Leave the location of the mannequin, and go to a different area (for example, exit a house), then return to the mannequin to find the item still on the mannequin,...
You can enchant a clothing/armor/jewelry item with E3CBA (dunSleepingTreeSlowAlch) to give yourself a way to toggle your max speed. To set the power of the item, see the notes in this topic about Console-Enchanting. Change Race (Play as a Dragon or chicken or whatever) Thanks to ...
Place any apparel item (armor or jewelry for best results) on a mannequin. Then, put the item back into your inventory. Leave the location of the mannequin, and go to a different area (for example, exit a house), then return to the manneq...