Simple RaceMenu presets of Vanilla Altmer, Bosmer, and Dunmer NPCs. I just know you guys can't wait to play as Estormo.
preset files of my ningheim based character coco. cute assassin style preset added. this preset is a suggestion and hopefully a good basis for you to easily create your own handsome female character.
Basically, the process of siwtching between ENB presets is as simple as deleting your current \enbseries folder and enbseries.ini and placing a new ones into Skyrim root directory. That's it. Make sure to cap your fps at 59 in enblocal.ini (set EnableFPSLimit= to true and FPSLimit= ...
RaceMenu presets can be placed in the [NoDelete] RaceMenu Presets mod under the Stock List [NoDelete]'s separator of MO2 if you want to ensure they are saved after an update. Removing the Modlist Simply delete the Apostasy folder. Congratulations, you have uninstalled Apostasy. Issues Please...
Run the Pronouns Patcher via xEdit, then set your fallback pronouns in the MCM. We've done the xEdit bit for you, but you will still have to set your fallback pronoun via the MCM in-game. Optional Mods Custom Presets Go in Here: An empty folder to put any custom racemenu presets ...
Skyrim modding stage is litereally swarmed by follower mods, the vastly majority of which are really dull and simply briefly imported racemenu presets with nothing more. That's why I decided I can't skip this part and show you some really worthy follower mods - interesting, funny, badass,...
[Top 15] Skyrim Best Followers That Are Excellent (And How To Get Them) Skyrim is the ultimate fantasy-adventure experience in all of gaming. There, I said it. It presents you with an absolutely breathtaking world which you can explore from top to bottom, filled to the brim with secrets...
In fact, in their description, they mention how their mod is essentially made using a combination of other mods. Nyehehe also mentions that to get Lady Dimitrescu's notorious height, users should rack her height scale up to 1.65 in the RaceMenu. With these adjustments, Skyrim players can be...
When I click on my SKSE loader my screen goes black for a second like it will load and it just stops working.-- I completely turned off my firewall to check if that was an issue and it's not.-- I ran Loot and SSEE to check for any incompatibility.-- I un
Complete overhaul to the character creation menu including new customization features such as multiple RGBA warpaints, body paints, hand paint, and foot paints. (Requires SKSE)