HDT-SMP Racemenu Hair or Wigs (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/43120)... (tested with v.1.21 Hair and Wigs FOMOD option) *** If you use their "Wigs only" FOMOD option, or v.1.2 Wigs ONLY downloads, you have to use my "XingNoHair" Main File alternative...
This mod comes with female hairstyles from the KS Hairdos pack with added HDT SMP physics.It is standalone and does not require the main KS Hairdos mod.
The smp console command will print some basic information about the number of tracked and active objects. The plugin recognizes the following optional parameters:smp reset reloads the configs.xml file, attempts to reload all meshes and reset the whole HDT-SMP system. However, it is a little bu...
Install 2: "DX Crimson Blood Armor - HDT-SMP Patch" DX Crimson Blood Armor - Texture Optimization (DOWNLOAD) █ DX Dark Knight Armor - UNP (LINK) Install: "Dark Knight Armor 4K" DX Dark Knight Shield - SE (LINK) Install: "DX Dark Knight Shield" DX Dark Knight Armor - SSE CBBE Bod...
HDT-PE if using it for the same thing as SMP (notably KS hair HDT, applies PE to the body in order to have the hair work) Floating damage text, this mod seems to break the SMP dll somehow Troubleshooting: If your physics log contains this error:xml parse error - not a float value...
hdt smp Male amulets and necklaces vanilla replacer - prebuilt hdt smp female amulets and necklaces vanilla replacer - prebuilt lilebonymace's patches opleaseletmego ng precision mudcrab(Random) s6o6t LORE - Oblivion gates AE sattyre's patch and esp replacer collection slightly Better Deer Pelt...
ApachiiSkyHair_v_1_5_Full-10168-1 -5-Full,KS Hairdos-HDT Physics-70363-1-0,Bella-31665-v1-3的高分辨女性双唇,更好的女性,唇彩口罩-32986-0-11,retty Lips V2-1167-2 -0,高清牙齿微笑-34346-1-0.7z-34346-2-0,女吸血鬼有犬齿22522-0-1,脸蛋Badass Warpaint V1-1-3377-1-1,逼真的HD ...
HDT: Advanced physics system, used mainly for bodies, clothes, hair. In Skyrim SE/AE, HDT-SMP (where SMP stands for "skin meshed physics) is the base for a lot of contemporary physics mods. ENB: "Enhanced natural beauty" Additional program that can enhance visuals in a lot of games, ...
需要前置MOD-RACEMENU,HDT-SMP。 地址:https://www.nexuSMods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/31300 【34】SC-KS HAIRDOS RETEXTURED —— KS HAIRDOS头发的新发质。需要前置MOD- KS HAIRDOS SSE,KS HAIRDOS-HDT SMP。 地址:https://www.nexuSMods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/38820...
RAT cosplay (obviously lore-friendly) with SMP hair and weapons, the usual.Supports only CBBE 3BA (v2.4 or above). Comes with optional ENB complex material support2k texture Tail physics THIS IS NOT A PLUG AND PLAY MODIf you are a beginner with very minimal modlist and ...