player.additem 000DB8A2 1; Dwarven Metal Ingot player.additem 0005AD9D 1; Ebony Ingot player.additem 0005AD9E 1; Gold Ingot player.additem 0005ACE4 1; Iron Ingot player.additem 0005ADA1 1; Malachite Ingot player.additem 0005AD9F 1; Moonstone Ingot player.additem 0005AD99 1; Orichalcum I...
Take their gold, leave, and wait one day to get more gold. Repeat this as many times as desired. While doing the quests to get the “One With The Shadows” trophy, you will get a special request for Windhelm called “Summerset Shadows”. Once you have completed this quest, Niranye ...
The PC version ofThe Elder Scrolls V: Skyrimhas itemcode cheatsthat instantly add potions, lockpicks, and even gold to your inventory. Use the player.additem console command to get any item when you need it. These item code cheats are exclusively available in the PC version ofSkyrim. How ...
Player.AddItem 0005ad9e 999 #Gold Ingot Player.AddItem 0005ace4 999 #Iron Ingot Player.AddItem 0005ad99 999 #Orichalcum Ingot Player.AddItem 0005ada0 999 #Quicksilver Ingot Player.AddItem 0005ada1 999 #Refined Malachite Player.AddItem 0005ad9f 999 #Refined Moonstone Player.AddItem 0005...
When bartering with wilderness Hunters, they will no longer take sold player items (which then disappear from their inventory) without paying for them, and gold paid to them by the player for their items will now properly add to their gold store (they were missing their merchant container; ...
Take their gold, leave, and wait one day to get more gold. Repeat this as many times as desired. While doing the quests to get the “One With The Shadows” trophy, you will get a special request for Windhelm called “Summerset Shadows”. O...