The reason i mashed this together was because i made this armor for a character in my story. that very character in the image who was an Imperial soldier during the great war but followed Ulfric North and joined his cause.Now I've only made it for the female body. And wont be making...
Female clothing variants will now use the correct texture in first-person. Changes the crafting categories to help organize and declutter the crafting menus. Increases the speed of arrows and bolts by 50% and makes them fly at a slightly flatter trajectory. ...
装备类MOD 【装备类MOD】Marie armor 物理化下载 简单介绍: 物理服装 【装备类MOD】【DRAGONSREACH MOD】无裙版 Yorha Dress XN_ver 更新网盘 简单介绍: 漏腚装 【装备类MOD】 自制分享2:真冬之雪礼服---黑沙移植服装 & 【3DM哗哗MOD组】黑沙礼服——真冬之雪黑白两套共存版 简单介绍: 白色婚纱般的漂亮!
[MOD] BDO Delphe Knights,黒い砂漠德尔斐骑士铠甲,UUNP [MOD] Ranger's Berne Armor,黒い砂漠...
Removes the non-playable flag from the following armor: (note that some armor, such as the Executioner gear, only works properly on male characters, others may only work properly on female characters, etc) 00016FFE DremoraRobesBlack Black Robes ...
原始4817-2-0,Ezuka的手镯,拉力赛吸血鬼棺材2K-黑色-95217-1-0-1545126960,门光荣孤独2K-95659-1-2-1547369470 ,BDO Gotha Rensa女式装甲UUNP,性刺客装甲-94544-1-0-1541609631,StoneHeart,Aradia三个UUNP,该死的28736-1-0的阿卡莎(Akasha)礼服女王,[韵律]鲜红衣服,[NINI]女巫伯尔尼,_HISsorakageFemaleArmor2-...
I don't have much time anymore to finalise this mod, but will try asap to do the following:1. Improve female armor compatibility for all the armours. 80% done2. Distortion, clipping, texture and other fixes as much as I can (about 70% done)...
If using Immersive Citizens load this after that mod Names, Combat style & Locations: Ah-Malz - Male, Two Handed, Heavy or Light Armor, Windhelm New Gnisis Cornerclub Aleeta - Female, Dual wielder, Light Armor, Dawnstar working in Iron Breaker mine 9am - 5pm or can be found in Windpeak...
Female only, for now Cloth armor rating Craftable at a forge (no perk required) or can be bought from Radiant Raiment in Solitude [Mod] Sebastian’s Armor (Dragon Age 2) for Skyrim & Special Edition December 8, 2017 \ Classic Skyrim, Mod Download, Skyrim Special Edition \ 10 Comments ...
FemaleMannequinsRedguard.esp iHUD.esp orc-female-idle-fix.esp DVA - Dynamic Vampire Appearance.esp Lieyes_v1.0.esp SGEyebrows.esp LunariRace.esp SuccubusRaceLite.esp TemptressVixen.esp aMidianborn_Skyforge_Weapons.esp FlameAtronachArmor.esp