3. Nights are too dark or not dark enough.Unfortunately I am very limited with SE ENB binaries. However, you can adjust night by a quick click of a button. See folder 3 in the download file to see how to quickly adjust nights and even interiors. Also you can adjust night and/or ...
Every monitor is different, and everyone has different display settings, so what looks good on one display, might look too dark or too bright on another. *Open up the ENB settings in-game (Shift+Enter), and find "Brightness". Change this to matches your monitor and personal preference. Ho...
Set EnableCloudShadows=false in enbseries.ini"Underwater is crystal clear"You're using Realistic Water Two and forgot to set bDoDepthOfField to 1 in your skyrimprefs.ini."It's too dark inside"Increase AmbientLightingIntensityInteriorDay and AmbientLightingIntensityInteriorNight in enbseries.ini....
I tried Undramatic ENB and out of the box, I found the contrast to be very high, especially in bright sunlight and I found the shadows too unrealistic dark in the sun. I also didn't like the saturation in the colors, the reds and greens seem a little too out-of-place, Also I fou...
Enable or disable shadows on land bDrawLandShadows toggles the ability of land objects such as rocks and mountains to cast shadows. It can be disabled (set value to 0) for a slight performance gain. Enable this for STEP. If using an ENBSeries Preset, this must be enabled. bDrawLandSha...
for SubSurfaceScattering to reduce lighting in shadows for characters and ugly thin line on them (...
+The Brotherhood of Old - Dark Brotherhood Continued +The Great Town of Shor's Stone Patch Collection +The Great Town of Ivarstead Patch Collection +The Great Town of Ivarstead SSE +The Great Village of Mixwater Mill SSE +Blubbos Whiterun 2022 ...
ENB Nordic Souls uses a modified version of the incredibleRudy ENB. If your interiors are too dark, editAmbientLightingIntensityInteriorDayandAmbientLightingIntensityInteriorNightunder theENVIRONMENTcategory in the ENB menu. If you want to change to one of the two other included presets, you must do...
In short, it makes light sources look much nicer and more natural, with a side effect of making dungeons and nights very dark. Ominous ENB. Ominous ENB gives a grim, atmospheric look to Skyrim, without sacrificing framerate. It is the core of Librum's graphics overhaul. Please note ...
DarkTower.esp Death Mountain part2.esp Ebonvale.esp Helsmyrr.esp HillHouse.esp WhiteWatch.esp HraghenskaagLabyrinths.esp Lurking in the shadows.esp Northern Bathhouses.esp Missives.esp treasure_hunt.esp The Fifth Gate.esp RavenCastle.esp ...