This may be disabled for a minor performance increase. Enable this for STEP. If using an ENBSeries Preset, this must be enabled. bShadowsOnGrass=1(Default) bShadowsOnGrass=0 bShadowsOnGrass=1 Enable or disable shadows on trees bTreesReceiveShadows toggles the ability of trees to cast ...
Use the Cathedral Power to increase brightness. 3 weeks later... Mousetick VIP-Supporter 1.3k Posted November 18, 2021 (edited) This mod includes its own plugin INI file (Cathedral Weathers.ini) that's supposed to override the game configuration. The unofficial update also includes a la...
If after calibration, you find that the lighting is not to your taste, you can adjust brightness, saturation, contrast, and gamma for interiors, days, and nights via the ENB Graphical User Interface (GUI). While in game, press Shift+Enter to open the ENB GUI and open the EnbEffect.fx ...
Mods I'm using. No AA Just the ENB v201. His Vram usage is fine as for system memory usage that will skyrocket when using Ugrid changes to increase the...
UseIndirectLighting=false in enbseries.ini file and restart the game. Added values to control SSAO...
Vivid Weathers = increase saturation, gloom = off and use ENB as I said before. Why AAA = off ? Anti-aliasing filter, when set to ON, it will make your textures softer. Same principle that photography cameras. If the sensor filter has been removed, the pictures will be sharper. The ...
Weather Colors: Sun -normalized values(added to Fog, Rain and Snow that didn't have it, very nice visuals with ENB Sun Rays) Weather Colors: Stars -normalized values(Applied them to Sunrise and Sunset as well, slight increase at those times) ...
1. Make sure your other mods are not messing up detection (like dark ENBs as explained further up). 2. Avoid enemy line-of-sight, no matter how high your sneak skill/perk level is. 3. Don't equip any light source, including spells that light up your hand. 4. Invest in the "stea...