Performance friendly ENB! This is my personal ENB setup, adjusted to look the most beautiful and keeping high fps at the same time. Great for people with weak and for those with powerful PC's.
ENB for Obsidian Weathers that is inspired by Grim and Somber ENB for LE. This brings an ominous feel to the world of Skyrim with its gloomy color palette, subtle lighting and dark skies. Includes mul
I have personally never seen this myself, but if for whatever reason you experience this, then It's very easy to fix. In-game, open the ENB menu (shift+enter), deactivate and reactivate AA, and re-apply settings. That's it. 23 - The shadows are not that great, but the ENB ...
If using an ENBSeries Preset, this must be enabled. ENBSeries Presets should be installed after a stabled installation of STEP is confirmed. bFloatPointRenderTarget=0 Enable deferred shadows bDeferredShadows toggles deferred rendering of shadows. It is required for bDrawLandShadows and b...
Select the menu optionOpen in explorer Within the new window, navigate into theSKSE/Pluginsfolder Right-click within the folder and select the menu optionNew > Text Document Name the fileSmart Souls.ini(make sure you are showing File Extensions -click here to see how) ...
However I can't manage to get ENB working. I set the d3d9 library to native then builtin in the winecfg panel but then the game crash on startup (TESV.exe has stopped working). Is there any workaround to get ENB working on playonlinux ? Thanks ! Replies Rinkuzakkusu Wednesday 16 ...
@palexdev Probably too late, but I have a workaround for the ENB menu not opening: The default Shift + Enter doesn't work. But changing it to just be e.g. End works. Like so: In enblocal.ini: ... [INPUT] KeyCombination=0 KeyEditor=35 ... Works for me on Proton 8.0whatever...
Finally, click the Close button and select "Yes" to save the changes. Step 8 - Disable ENB (and optionally enable ReShade) While ENB can work under Linux, it is likely going to badly impact performance on the Deck so I would advise you just disable it. However, if you do want to,...
*ENB also has an option for handling V-sync, but I prefer nVidia's V-sync. If you want to use the ENB V-sync instead, just go to the Skyrim game folder and open up "enblocal.ini" with a notepad and find: EnableFPSLimit=false ...
Click on yourExperience Pointsitem to bring up the in-game configuration menu. You can: Change the XP Award Amounts. You can set a global XP award multiplier (e.g., if you think SkyXP levels you too slowly, just raise the multiplier from 100% to 200%) and/or change individual award...